Chapter 1: Mining Troubles

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I opened my eyes and peered at the walls to which I have staked my claim. They were nothing but simple wooden walls built from sweat, hardwork, and determination. I remember beating the trees down and turning the oak wood into my current planked walls. I had next to nothing in my humble home. Except a chest with a couple apples and saplings, the crafting table that was in the corner opposite of the chest, and the stone furnace that sat next to it.

All this had taken me days to get. Between the monsters and occasional raider I had lost all my ores, food, and Ender pearls. They burned down my fields and my house nearly killing me. The mansion I used to live in was a huge stone lined building with a quartz fountain in every room. Now that's gone and I've forced into hiding after the Minecraftia King Bajan had me executed. I barely escaped.

Slowly, I stood from my worn bed, trying to escape the thought of being killed in my sleep. I exited my home located in the center of the Divine Jungle, my muscles ached as I walked. The jungle biome began towards the south, but my home was built in the North part of the jungle among the tree tops. I had built my humble home in a location with the idea that it should be both discreet and defendable, worse case scenario I'd see my enemies coming before they actually reached me.

The storm that had blanketed the forest last night was supposed to have ended by now, but surely enough the rainfall continued. As much as I'd enjoy a day off, allowing myself to become complacent for even a day slowed progress more than it was worth.

"Well I guess I better get some stone." I say sighing and grabbing my worn down pickaxe.

I made my way down the vines that clung to the massive jungle trees, trying my best not to fall the thirty blocks to my certain death. The rain picked up even more causing me to quicken my pace. I made it down safely but immediately regretted it because the ground had flooded with what was at least a block of water. "Oh great..." I whisper while trudging through it to my mine.

The thought had crossed my mind that the cave might be flooded, but I decided I would deal with one pain in my ass at a time.

By traveling down a pathway into the hills, I found myself at the mining cave's entrance. Just as I expected, rhe cave was flooded just enough for me to not be able to venture more that 20 blocks past the mouth. I began swinging my pickaxe and spent the next several minutes collecting 64 blocks of cobblestone. I needed more, and I always would but that's all I could break with the durability I had left. My currently life disgusted me, being low on resources was nothing new to me-- but this was my first time living as an outlaw, hunted by the men of the same King's I once served.

My house was only about 300 blocks away, and as I continued to walk back the same path I'd taken, the rain seemed to slow its assault. It would likely be hours before the flooded jungle floor returned to normal. As I trudged through the water, I suddenly became aware of another set of splashing footsteps. They were distant at first, but as they got louder it became harder to pinpoint their source.

But when I turned around I was faced with a sight I hadn't seen in awhile-- a person, an honest to goodness human.  They were soaked with rain water and dripped with every movement they made.

"H-help me.." they muttered just before collapsing into the water, effectively soaking me with a tidal wave of rain water.


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