Chapter 5: The War

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"A war?" I said glancing back at Cupa who hadn't removed her gaze from her feet.

"Yes, against the most powerful enemies in all of Minecraftia. My name is Andr, first platoon commander of the Allied Forces." The tall brunette said.

"I'm Cupa, second platoon commander." She said looking up at me. "I was sent here to recruit you." Cupa said.

Andr walked to Cupa's bed and sat down, crossing her legs while continuing to pet the cat she appeared with. "Steve the human we need your help to defeat the AOF." She said in a serious tone.

"The AOF?" I questioned.

"The Alliance Of Four. It consists of the most powerful beings within the known world. Herobrine and BajanCanadian--" She began.

I could feel my chest tighten at the sound of their names. Herobrine an eon old king of monsters, and BajanCandian a monster of men. The very thought of the two joining forces turned my stomach.

"That's only two." I note.

"The other two are the Enderdragon and Wither. It's a pretty grim line up. As a human you are the only one that can deal damage against the king of monsters. If we even tried to attack him, he could force us to slaughter our comrades on a whim. Truth be told it doesn't necessarily have to be you, any human would do, but as far as I am aware-- you are his equal in combat ability." Andr said.

It was true, I'd found myself face to face with Herobrine on more than one dreaded occasion, and though he had never managed to kill me, the same was true in reverse.

"After you've defeated Herobrine, we would take the Enderdragon on. The dragon has a similar hypnosis ability as Herobrine, however it is limited to Endermen, such as myself. Which is where you and the other species come in." She says passing the rest of the briefing to Cupa.

She nodded and looked over at me, her fire orange eyes glowed, yet there was a coldness that hinted at how serious Cupa could be. From her look alone I could tell why she was a commander.

"Steve the Hero, Division Commander Ayumi, Division Commander Mindy, and Division Commander Gaven will combine forces and make an attempt at the dragon." Cupa said.

I stared at her trying to confirm my theory that this was an elaborate trick. But I could tell by the intensity in Andr's eyes and the sincerity in Cupa's. "H-hey uh Steve." Andr said with her face growing extremely red, she looked away from me and walked closer, she slapped me and returned to her seat.

"Please don't look at my eyes." She demand, still not making eye contact which I'm kind of happy about. "So?Will you join us?"

"I'm not sure." I said, rubbing my cheek.

Andr sighed, my answer didn't seem to surprise her. "If it's cause I slapped you--"

"Its got nothing to do with that." I interjected. "My hero days are over, they have been since I was exiled. I'm just trying to live out the remainder of my days in peace, I've done enough adventuring for one life time."

"Does this sound like an adventure? People are dying, yours and mine alike. This is war not some petty squabble amongst houses." Andr retorted, venom layered her passionate voice as she spoke.

"This is a big world, there are plenty of people who are just as strong if not stronger than me." I reasoned.

"You may be right. But soon enough this big world will be nothing but ash and bones. We don't have time to look." Andr said.

"The people won't stand for it, they'll fight back." I said.

"But you won't, and because of that-- they'll die." She returned.

I could feel frustration build in me, I opened my mouth to let out some of it only for the words to get caught in my throat, was I speechless? Was she right? Most human civilizations relied on the King's Guard for protection, and villages were either pillaged or protected by Iron Golems. There was no true unified banner that all of Minecraftia accepted, and now that Bajan had the throne... unity among humans was nearly impossible. There were too many different houses governing our world, Bajan likely had the most power but he was without a doubt the least capable of leading. Even less now that he was the enemy of mankind.

"Steve, I've heard stories about you. If even a single one is true, you don't seem like the type to wait for bloodshed before you act. I promise you, now is not the time for you to change that mindset. Join us, and together we can save the world and change it." Andr persisted.

But there was no need, she'd convinced me. I'd found myself in yet another conflict. One that would surely make a great story, or a grim reminder.

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