y-you can't c-c-call dibs on a p-person

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There were about 50 kids on the island, ranging from 7 months, to 18 years. My brother was the oldest. His 19th birthday was 3 months away. My sister was a year and 5 days younger than me, and as you already know, it was 17 days until my 17th birthday.
No one had ever left this island, and no one new had ever come to the island. Kids were born and people died, just like anywhere else, but that was the only way our population grew or shrunk. We had no airport, and the only boats we had were small fishing boats.
That's why hearing that a new family was coming to the island was such a huge deal. The governor of Hawaii was bringing them here himself, only three hours after the island had been told. Everyone was freaking out and making preparations and my stepdad Steve left the house immediately after he'd been told. My mom seemed worried, but I thought it would be fun to have some new people around.
     "Listen," my sister, Crissy, said as she walked over to the table where me and my older brother, Drew, were eating breakfast. "I've heard that the family that's coming has a teenage daughter, and I'm calling dibs. Neither of you are allowed to get crushes on her until I decide wether or not I want to be friends with her." She crossed her arms and waited for us to agree.
     "You're a moron," Drew said. "Y-you can't c-c-call dibs on a p-person. B-besides, you know I-I have a g-g-girlfriend."
     "Which is still surprising," I teased.
     "I am not a moron! If anyone's a moron it's you. At least it doesn't take me an hour to s-s-s-say everything," Crissy responded, mimicking Drew's stutter.
     "Asshole," he said, standing up and leaving the table.
     "You know Criss," I said after he walked away. "I agree. You can't call dibs on a person."
     "Well you both have friends. There are only 3 other 15 year olds on this stupid island and one of them is dating my ex. How do you think that makes my feel?"
     "I don't really care. I'm gonna go outside and feed the horses." I stood up and started for the door, but my mom walked in and stopped me.
     "You can't go outside," she said.
     "Why not?" I asked.
     "You just can't. Steve fed the horses. Do something inside until he gets back." I started to protest, but she cut me off. "Please Jake. Just trust me."
     I groaned and turned towards my room. Mom thanked me and retreated to the kitchen. Chrissy followed me. "Jake please if she turns out to be pretty just give me a few days to try to befriend her. I just really need a new friend and this might be my only chance."
"If I agree will you leave me alone?" I asked.
"Absolutely, I don't ever have to speak to your dumb ass again," she said.
"You need to find more insults," i shit back. Drew stopped us before we reached my room.
"D-did neither of y-you think it was w-w-weird that mom didn't let you g-go out-s-side?"
"Not really," I said. "She's always paranoid about something. I'm sure she's just worried about the new people."
"Maybe w-we sh-should be t-too. After a-a-all sh-sh-she knows m-m-more..."
I interrupted. His stuttering only got this bad when he was really anxious or upset. "Slow down, take a deep breath. Everything's gonna be fine."
"S-sorry," he said, breathing deep like he was supposed to when he got worked up. When he was around four years old something happened that ended with him hitting his head very hard. Mom refuses to tell us exactly what happened, but he ended up in a coma for two weeks, he had to relearn everything which put him very behind, and he has quite a few medical problems because of it. Aside from stuttering he has frequent seizures, migraines, and extreme anxiety. He's really smart, but struggles to focus on things that are difficult or confusing.
I've been looking out for him for as long as I can remember, and know exactly what to do if he's having an anxiety attack, seizure, or if he ever stops breathing. Despite all he's been through, he still manages to fill the shoes of big brother, and he's got a smoking hot girlfriend that I'm completely jealous of. He can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love him.
"It's okay," I said. "And don't worry about the new people, if they're bad I'll beat them up." He smiled, but tried to hide it and rolled his eyes instead.
"My lord Jake," Crissy butted in. "I'd love to see your fat ass beat anyone up."
"Keep talking like that and you'll be first. Also, why does every insult you use end in ass?" I asked. She shrugged. The funny thing is, she weighs more than I do. I spend most of my time outside working on our little farm, or finding ways to make money, she's just a couch potato.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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