Chapter 1: You

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             If you were a little girl on Tiffany road hiking along the pavement, you wouldn't be too unhappy. The regular sunny houses were full of kids and parents, and you could probably hear the conversations of what football team won, or whose cereal tastes better, or whose smarter than who. The sun would be warm against your back, and as you hiked up the hills and ran down them, you would see that your shoes are untied. You would probably stop to buy lemonade from Harry because the sweat on your back would start trickling down. You would probably stop to try to pick a flower from Ms.Conrend's yard, before being chased away from her yard. You would probably try to imitate Sandy from Grease and be humming 'We go together'.You would see a few kids playing jump rope and would be tempted to join if the heat weren't so sweltering. Overall, it would be a normal day for you on a Saturday in June of 1982. Until you turn the corner and come to Mapbelm street. 3 houses down, you would hear loud muffled yells. Then you would a tall bearded man marching out of the house. He would be talking in a way that would make your mother faint if she heard, to a lady with blond hair who was chasing him out with a broom, speaking in the same nasty tone as the man. The man would be dragging 3 children out of the house, 2 in one arm, 1 in the other. In one arm would be 2 boys, one with dark brown hair and green eyes, and the other with light brown hair and blue eyes. In the other arm would be a girl with blond hair and hazel eyes. As the man and his children get into an old rusty car that looked like it definitely looked like it should be in the junkyard, you notice something. The woman and man are still shouting at each other as the man starts the car, and the two boys are still watching. But the girl is staring at you through the window with her big hazel eyes. And as they drive away, you can't help but wonder what they have seen or what happened. But as soon as the car is out of sight and the woman storms back into her car, you forget about it. You resume your walk and think of the huge turkey your mother was going to make for your dinner. You would probably go home and not think of it for the rest of the day. But when you lay in your bed at night, you would drift off to sleep with the image of two large hazel eyes watching you as they got farther and farther away.

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