20 facts about me

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This is just going to be a list of random facts about me that may not necessarily be interesting or relevant but anyways, here goes. I'm going to tag other people in the comments section below to do the same thing.

1) I keep editing this page for some reason and it's annoying me now but I can't help it.

2) I am a Muslim and for the more close minded of you, no, I am not a terrorist.

3) I'm British and I have that posh British accent everyone on Wattpad seems to rave about.

4) I'm of Indian descent and most of my family live in India and as a result, I've been there every summer of my life. It gets really boring.

5) My dad is a doctor and it annoys me when everybody expects me to follow in his footsteps.

6) I hate tea (shocker!) but most of my family love it. I hate coffee too, I can't even stand the smell of it.

7) I'm an incredibly messy and disorganised person but if everything's disorganised then everything's organised in my mind so I know exactly where everything is. But if I have to clean my room then I go crazy because I can never find anything. Oh, the irony. 

8) I am a huge Procrastinator,  I'm even part of the Procrastinator thread in the Cafe.

9) I hate kids, they just test my non existent patience to the point of me wanting to throw myself out of the window. But I look like a kid and act like one sometimes...

10) I love Art and I'm taking it as an option at school but I get so much homework it's unbelievable. 

11) I'm a nerd and I wear glasses like a typical nerd but I don't have braces. My teeth are straighter than a ruler.

12) I'm the kind of person who will complain and moan about anything and everything just for the sake of it but will suck it up and put up with it anyways. 

13) I don't believe in stupid superstitions, the number 13 reminds me of Friday 13th. Trust me, it's not unlucky.

14) I'm really sarcastic and have a sense of humour which some people just can't appreciate. 

15) I'm frank and will say it as it is which results in me offending a lot of people....even though I don't mean to.

16) I hate Maths but I'm good at it, unfortunately and my maths teacher last year told my mum that I really enjoy Maths.

17) I have a good memory which sometimes creeps people out. And no, I do not have an eidetic memory, I once forgot my best friend's name and I've known her for 4 years.

18) I have 2 younger brothers and I sometimes want to strangle them - unfortunately and fortunately, I'm the eldest and the only girl.

19) I don't understand why turning 18 is such a big deal - to me, it's when you start getting into debt. No, really, here uni is £9000 per year.

20) I am so not a computer whizz, and I hate it when software gets updated because then I have to figure everything out all over again. I also don't like Macbooks for that reason, every time I use the shortcut to copy and paste everything gets deleted. Not funny.

I tag @aymankhan007 , @Bloomability_ , @FrillyKnickers , @CrossOwl , @Hikari13 , @Traveler_F_R_I_Die

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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