My love

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Thea's pov

As we made it to the beach I heard someone yell "Thea!" "Johanna!" I turned around and sprinted towards my husband. Finnick rapped me into his arms and helped me to the water.
    Finnick asked "what happened?" I shook my head "we have no idea. We were running around blindly because of the blood and that's when Blight hit the force field. We thought it was water but it wasn't. It was burning hot blood. It was gagging us"  I saw Jo freaking out on Katniss. I sighed "Jo, stop. Fighting won't get us anywhere." Blaze tried to change the subject "so Blight?" I shook my head "I tried but he was gone." I closed my eyes as I washed the blood off of me.
      I felt the baby kick and laughed "Finn!" Everyone looked at me concerned I smiled "the baby! It's kicking. Finn!" Finnick laughed and leaned down to my stomach and kissed it "hey there baby, I'm your daddy. I'm sorry that your under so much stress." I ran my hand through his hair.
I looked up and noticed that Mags wasn't there. Blaze shook his head. I sighed and closed my eyes. Finnick ran his hand over my stomach softly he needed me and I needed him. Silent tears roll down my cheeks and I sniffed. I had to put on a show for the capital Just like I was taught. Finnick stood up and pulled me into his arms "I know sweetheart," I was so into my baby and the grief of Mags and Blight that I didn't even notice everyone talking until I heard Beetee ask "-do you have fresh water?" Katniss said "we can get some..." Wiress said "Tick tock." I sighed and shook my head.
     Finnick and I were sitting in the sand when Johanna started walking towards us until lightning struck a tree in the distance. We all looked at it.
     Katniss explained her theory that the arena was a clock and every hour brought a new threat. We were all standing in the center of the 'clock' talking about it when Wiress gasped. There stood Gloss's sister stabbing her then suddenly A cannon went off. Finnick was fighting Gloss while blaze held me back so I couldn't kill him for trying to hurt my husband. I didn't realize at the time but that act saved my life.
    Soon the entire thing started spinning. Because Blaze was holding me back so my child and I wouldn't get hurt we weren't effected as much as everyone else. We had to dodge weapons but my brother protected me at all costs. When we stopped spinning everyone ran towards where they had last seen Katniss before she fell into the water. Finnick helped me on to the sand. He kissed my head and had me sit down. I sighed "I'm fine Finn, really" he placed his hand on my stomach and sighed softly "you should be at home safe." I ran my fingers through his hair "I would never be safe. I will always be wanted. I am the daughter of two victors. I am the great-great granddaughter of the first victor. the Great granddaughter of the 6th hunger games victor and so on. My entire family has been in the hunger games and most of us didn't go home. The ones who did got stuck continuing this game and it's not fair. These games are made to bring fear to us to sacrifice our children and it's not right." Finnick sighed "I know love," I took a deep breath "can I rest before we have to encounter our next monster." Finnick kissed my lips softly while moving his fingers in morass code along my hips. We learnt when we first got together. It's to hide what we don't want the capital to know.
'I can't wait till we are rescued so our son and unborn child are finally safe. So you are finally safe.'
'I can't wait for that moment.'
He pulled away from the kiss and said "sleep darling," I leaned into his chest "will you stay?" "Always"

I jumped awake to Katniss Screaming for her sister. That's when I heard my twins voice. I then saw Finn and Blaze run after her and I chased them. Peeta, Johanna and I couldn't get through. I screamed "Finn! Finnick, baby, it's not real! It's the birds. Finn," seeing him cover his ears like that made me want to kill snow. My husband was hurting. My love, my soul mate was in pain and I couldn't do anything. I placed my head next to his "Finn, it's not real. Baby, open your eyes. Show me your eyes love, please." As if he could feel me begging him to look at me he opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He was so scared his eyes showed it. I placed my hand on the barrier and tapped against it 'I love you. It's not real.' He took deep breaths and was soon calm yet he was still covering his ears. The barrier went down after the longest hour of my life. Finnick pulled me into his arms and held me like I was going to disappear. He breathed in my sent and said "it-it was you. I heard your screams. I heard Jo, and Blaze, And My family and yours and Flynn's cries. It-it was so real. Baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you." I grabbed his hand and shook my head "it wasn't your fault and besides we're always together. No matter what." Finnick held me to him. I said "seeing you like that. Seeing you cover your ears and in pain was so much more painful then child birth. I would go through the pain of birthing a child again and again versus watching you suffer and hurt like that." Finn shook his head and chuckled "I love you," I placed my hand on the back of his neck "I love you too." He picked me up and carried me on his hip like a koala bear. I snuggled my head into his neck and fell asleep.

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