Louis--Break My Heart 3

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Here's Part 3 of my Louis mini-series! I'm probably gonna make this into a book--would someone like to make me a cover for it? Just message me if you're interested!!!





Louis POV

I stared at the wall in front of me, anger coursing through my veins. Fuck Harry. Fuck Zayn. Fuck Y/N. Fuck all of them--Fuck everybody. No one understands.

I was diagnosed with "Borderline Personality Disorder" when i was eleven. That means, in short, I get angry really easily. There isn't any medicine that can help me. There isn't a therapy. No surgery. I'm like this for the rest of my life...and I fucking hate it.

The only person I thought would understand was Y/N. She was just so perfect...So beautiful....I had wanted her from the day i laid eyes on her. She was my perfect Y/N.

But after i finally had her as mine, something in me just....well...started to hate her. Something in me said that she was just going to leave me anyway, so why should i let myself get attached? Why should i let myself fall in love with her?

So i beat her up. I shouldnt have, i know. But you see, now theres no chance that she'll break me.

Because I broke her first.

There was a knock on my door, and my mum came in cautiously. "Louis? Are you okay?" I shrugged, not answering. Mum sighed. "Louis, you have to stop doing this...We dont have the money for your doctor, and if they think that you're too dangerous, you know they'll take you away."

"I'm trying, Mum..." I whispered. "It's so hard..."

"You need to try harder." She shook her head. "What if you hurt Lucy?"

"I would never hurt Lucy!" I yelped, sitting up straight. Lucy was my little sister and I thought the world of her. "Mum why would you even say that?!?"

"Because Anne Styles came barging into my office today and let the entire world know that my mentally unstable son beat up her precious baby and made him bleed." Mum shook her head again. "Frankly, I'm disappointed in you Louis. You should be trying harder to be more... I don't know...controlled, I guess. You're eighteen years old, Louis--act like it." She turned and walked out of the room. I curled up on my bed, squeezing my fists shut and trying to hold back the explosive anger that threatened to make me lose the only thing that I cared about. I could hear my mum in the hallway, talking to Lucy. I snuck over to the door so I could hear what she was saying.

"...Now, Lucy, I mean it. Your brother is very very sick, and I don't want you anywhere near him, do you understand?"

"But Mummy, if Lou is sick maybe I can help him feel better--"

"Lucy don't go near him, and that's final." Mum snapped. I slid down the door and sat on the floor, letting my head rest against it.

"Fuck this..." I mumbled, wiping my eyes quickly. "Fuck all of this." I got up and grabbed my backpack and started shoving stuff into it. My door opened softly and I kept my eyes on my bag.

"Louis?" Lucy's small voice asked. "Where are you going?" I turned and saw Lucy with a bowl of soup, confusion on her pretty six year old face. "Mum said you were sick so I made you some soup."

"I am sick, Luce." I whispered. "And I don't want to hurt you because I'm sick, so I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?" Lucy whimpered, putting The soup on the desk. I swallowed.

"I don't know, bear."

"When are you coming back?" She asked softly.

"I don't know." I knelt down in front of her. "Look, bear--just cuz you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not there. I promise I'll never leave you. I'll always be right there if you need me to be."

"But you're leaving." She whispered. "How can you still be here if you're leaving?"

"You might not be able to see me, but I'm always gonna be here--protecting you. I promise, bear."

"I love you Louis." Lucy whimpered wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing. I hugged her back.

"I love you too"



Megy xx

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