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Saiyan Nariyah Taylor Munchie🌚

Saiyan Nariyah Taylor ➖Munchie🌚

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D.C -Mayfair mansions📍

"Touch me again ima slap you bitch" I told my lil brother Desean.

His dirty ass gon poke me and run. I ran after him and he ran in my mama room. She looked up and mugged us

"Fuck is y'all doing bussin in my room like dat y'all don't know what I could've been doing" she said rolling her neck

"Toya get yo nappy headed ass son he keep messin wit me" I said as he stood beside her bed close to her

"Desean Leave her alone" she said looking back at her phone

"Ima getcho ass" I said loud enough so he could hear.

I walked out my mama room and went to my room and picked out some clothes then went to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower for about 30 minutes then got out. I put my clothes on then went back to my room and FaceTimed Nuni

"What Saiyan?" She answers with a attitude.

I looked at the phone then wiped my screen with my shirt the put my ear close to the phone

"What is you doin" she asked

"Tryna figure out why you gotta attitude Nyla " I said calling her by her real name and tilting my head

"Girlllllaaaaaa Pierre had a bitch with him in his car" she said making me shake my head.

Her and Pierre low key be fucking with each other but they never dated. BUT everybody know they talk or mess around.

"How you know"

"So I FaceTimed him and asked him where he was at and he wasn't tryna put his face inna camera so I asked him then I seen a girl with green hair come in the camera before he hung up"

"Aww hell nahh that dats jhi disrespectful" I said and she nodded.

We talked some more before she had to go to her dad house. Her parents split up when she was young but they still cool.

I was bouta go live but Pablo texted me. His ass don't ever text me.

El Pablo👷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️ wyd thot

MuMu🧟‍♀️🌚 nun bored as shit bitch

El Pablo👷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️ I'm outside we finna go do hood rat shit hurry up

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