Chapter 48

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*Jc's POV*

I can't believe it we stayed there all night and NO signs of Chloe the only damn thing we saw was a couple going somewhere and when we saw them coming back they were all messy and well we all know what's going on then when the sun came up we went home devastated. It's now currently 4pm and everyone is having lunch were all slightly relieved she's alive but that doesn't help because we don't know where she is "ERR GUYS COME HERE" Emily screamed from the other room
We all ran in there and saw her standing in front of the TV

"His dead body was found at River Jarm alongside a suicide note" a reported said "Jack Grimer hanged himself and his body was found today at 1pm the police are still in search for the YouTuber Chloe Lee Anne and has a few things to report, they gave us a small interview"

The scene cut to Wilden "we have footage of Jack's car leading to a few possible places where Chloe could be, earlier today we found Jack's body, he killed himself"

"Or did someone kill him?" people asked

"we have a few results we believe he killed himself sometime around 10am, we have footages-" he answered

"He's dead" Kian whispered "he's gone now all we need is to find Chloe"
We all smiled knowing without Jack Chloe is safe and she could be trying to return home



"I'm gonna go get some ice cream for us it's a bit hot" I said getting my house keys, it's now 5pm or so and were boiling. I walked to the shop and decided to take a shortcut which was through the woods. After what felt like ages I finally reached the shop and got ice-cream and some energy drinks, it was getting darker which was odd considering it wasn't even late. I walked slower this time just taking in the cloudy sky, as I walked I could smell smoke, I started coughing till I realised the smoke was coming from a few feet away I panicked not knowing what to do. I coughed even more now feeling my lungs being filled with smoke, I turned around and about 10 trees behind me was on fire "WOAH" I screamed and coughed again, I grabbed my phone and called 911

"911 what's your emergency?"

"HELLO there's a fire"

"Okay sir stay on the line were getting your location, do you know how the fire started?"

"No no I don't I was just taking a shortcut home" I panicked

"Okay Annabelle Forest yes?"

"Yes yes that's it please hurry the fire..." I coughed "is spreading"

"It's not good for you to be there the smoke can hurt you so please try to leave were on our way"

"Than-" I was interrupted by small cries "Hello?" I called out but obviously no one heard me, putting my phone down and turning on the flashlight I followed the sound the crying got louder and louder, I moved the light around till it shone onto someone with a hood I slowly stepped closer to them once I saw that there was a tree which was getting caught on fire on top of the persons foot "Oh my god" they quickly shot their head up  I couldn't exactly see who it was or if it was a girl or not, "here let me help you" I pulled the person till they were no longer near the tree
"Are you ok" I asked again "did you get hurt?"
The person stayed quiet looking down
"What's your name?" I asked
The person looked up and I jumped back "oh my god"


*Kian's POV*

"Dude Jc's been gone for a long time" Connor said worried

"I've tried calling him but it says it's busy?" Ricky came in as the doorbell rang

"Coming" I shouted running to the door

"Are you Jc Caylen's house mates?" a police officer asked

"Uh yes that's us is everything alright?" I asked

"There's been a fire at Annabelle Forest, Jc passed out he's at the hospital at the moment"

"We'll get there as soon as we can thank you officer" I ran back inside putting my shoes on while explaining  to the guys. Once we got to the hospital Sam, Chloe's mum and dad were already there

"Kian, guys we have to tell you something" Lucas said I looked at them 3 and we could tell they've been crying
"It's about the note and...." he sighed "Chloe"



"You guys may see him" the nurse said leading us into Jc's room

"Heeey" we awkwardly said "how you feeling?" Emily asked, we took a seat by his bed, he just stared at us

"listen we have to talk" I said holding back my tears

" alive" he mumbled

"Yeah you're alive dude" I chuckled "But J-"

"She's alive" he kept mumbling over and over "I saw her she was stuck and she looked u-"

"Woah calm down" Connor patted him "who?"

"Chloe!" he snapped "I saw her"
We all shifted in our seats

"Jc..." I quietly cried

"What? Why are you crying aren't you happy?"

"Jc Chloe's.... dead" Ricky cried

"That's not.. possible I saw her" his heart rate sped up really fast,

"Jc calm down" Connor said

"SHE'S NOT DEAD NOO" he screamed as the doctors slowly put him to sleep "NO NO no" his voice faded

"She's dead" I said to myself crying even louder


So hey ha cool chapter huh

Yeah no it was crap sorry for my lack of updating I just started writing my new fanfiction it's called

'Change can be amazing' so go read it please I wanna get as many reads as this story so please help me ❤️❤️

I'll try my best to upload again sooon but for now I'm gonna have to leave it as this, well I love you guys so much sorry for the short chapter please please please check out my other fanfic (Luke Hemmings) also I asked you guys if you liked my fanfic but no one really said anything so I'll take that as a no? but don't worry this is nearly finished so cause I feel like you guys don't like it I'm not getting many votes also if you're reading it then please follow me and vote cause otherwise how I'm I suppose to know who's reading

But thanks for reading ❤️

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