Wrapped Around Your Finger

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Hello, ghosts! Sorry about the late update! I'm actually having a lot of fun writing this one. It's not going exactly like it did in my head but I think that's for the best because my original brain baby was a bit depressing. This is a lot more silly and fun. But don't worry, there is drama planned. Thanks and enjoy!

I'm not good enough. I thought to myself while I was hanging out in the lab with Levy. She was working on a gadget that used brain waves to translate thoughts into audio. You were supposed to put it on and it would voice your thoughts. She was currently focused on some issue with the design of the head piece. She was so cute when she got serious. Ugh! This was awful. She'd never go for someone like me. Sure, she had graced me with her friendship - which in and of itself was a miracle - but anything more felt like I'd be asking too much from the universe.

Then, out of nowhere, she slammed both hands down on the counter. "Gajeel!" She exclaimed, turning to face me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I did, however, land myself on the floor.

Growling, I picked myself up. "What?" I asked, agitated.

"What is your class doing for the school festival?" She inquired, shocking me out of my aggravation.

"Uhh... Oh yeah. A haunted maze, I think. Were ya wantin' to take part?"

"Yes!" She shouted triumphantly.

I huffed. That's it. I made my decision. I would just flirt with her. I would show her that I could be good for her and make her fall for me. "Alright, Shorty, but what can ya do to scare someone? Yer so small and cute. No one would fear ya."

A dark aura suddenly engulfed the room. Levy was expressionless as she stared at me without blinking. Shit. Did I go too far? She heard me called her cute, right? Where was the blush? I began to sweat from the tension. She still hasn't blinked. What was she gonna do?

"You're shaking." She stated, her face breaking into a smirk. "Fufufu. See? I can be scary." Her smirk then turned into a huge grin. I was speechless.

"Y-yeah. I t-take it back. Yer t-terrifying," I stammered. This girl... What the hell am I gonna do? She completely turned my teasing around on me. This was gonna be a rough battle, but I won't back down. She was the only one for me.


The day of the festival came fast. Levy had convinced me to join her in helping my class prepare. They mainly used me for my freakish height, though it did make the class fear me a little less. A few of them even built up the courage to thank me. It was actually a nice change of pace, but now was the time to bring out my best scare tactics. Our classmates had me dress up like a demon, with horns and blood and everything.

I was hiding behind a curtain - that was acting as one of the walls of the maze - in the near darkness, when I felt a tug on my cloak. From the smell of her perfume, I knew it was Levy.

"What is it, Shrimp? We've got another round of customers comin' through, and I'm the scariest part. Gihee," I smirked to myself. It was fun having a decent reason to intimidate people. I was brought back down to earth though when I heard a tearful sniffle. "Shorty? What's wrong?"

"I... I thought I could handle this but... I don't like the dark," she admitted, her voice thick with tears. I hesitated before wrapping an arm around her. I held her until she stopped shaking and relaxed, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest. How was I expected to handle this level of cuteness?

"Ya feelin' better, Levy?" I asked when she had stopped my heart by snuggling closer to me. She suddenly stiffened at my words.

"You actually know my name?" She giggled, making my blush deepen.

"W-well I... Uhh..." I was interrupted by a giggling group of girls on the other side of the curtain.

"This is Gajeel's part right? Oh no. I don't think I can do this. I've barely been able to handle the others," one of the girls whined.

"Go ahead, Gajeel. I'll wait right here," Levy whispered to me.

"Nah. She sounds too freaked. I'll stay here and spare her." Yeah, right. I just didn't want to let Levy out of my arms. "Plus, just knowin' I'm back here lurkin' somewhere is enough to terrify her. We can say that it was part of my scare tactics."

"Hmm..." She nuzzled into me again. Fuck! "You're a good guy underneath it all, aren't you?"

"Gihee. Ya just now figurin' that out? Come on, Lev. I thought ya were supposed to be smart," I whispered into her ear, making her shutter. Yes! Finally! A normal reaction! Using her name again worked. Looks like I can affect her. The random group of girls were finally gone so we were alone. Take it slow, man. Don't scare her off. I told myself. "Ya feelin' better now, Shrimp?" I repeated when she remained silent, using my normal nickname for her.

"Y-yeah. All good. Thank you. I'm... I'm gonna go now so I don't ruin your fun here. I'll see you at the bonfire," she stammered before pulling away from me and disappearing. I sat down on the floor sighing. I needed to calm down. I felt like I made good progress, and I didn't want to ruin it by freaking out.

*Levy's POV*

MAYDAY, I repeat, MAYDAY! What the hell did I just do? Ugh! He knows! He definitely knows now! I was supposed to play it cool and just slowly win his affection with my aloofness but no. I had to get scared and go running to him. Way to ruin all of your hard work, Lev!

I flushed remembering the way my name sounded in his deep, rough voice. I sighed, sitting on a bench outside in the comforting, not-scary-at-all sunlight and trying to slow my heart rate. I should've known better. The darkness frightened me for many reasons. There was of course the fear of some unknown creature lurking, preparing to attack from the shadows. But my fear ran deeper than that, to the very pit of my being.

His hold on me was so warm and protective that I couldn't help but to feel safe. But it was also very dangerous. I thought my heart would break if he let go first so I had to take my chance and run before he could. Maybe I'll just go hide in my lab for the rest of the night or until I calmed down enough to put my game face back on and meet him at the bonfire.

That's right. I just needed to play it cool for the rest of the night. Act like I didn't just make a fool of myself. I mean, it was dark so he couldn't see the red in my cheeks. Maybe he still hasn't figured me out. He would definitely stop being friends with me if he did. I couldn't handle that. I'd rather be stuck in his friend zone forever than not have him in my life at all.

*Back to Gajeel*

After cleaning my face and changing back into my uniform, I headed out to the bonfire. Levy said she'd meet me out here but I couldn't find her. I felt awkward just standing there searching the crowd of our classmates. After a good 30 minutes of this, I decided to check her lab.

I opened the door to find her passed out on the sofa in the corner. I chuckled at her beautiful, sleeping face before grabbing the blanket that was folded on the back of the couch and throwing it over her. I hesitated for a moment and then kissed her forehead. Blushing, I left her to continue her well-deserved nap and headed home.

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