At the precipice.

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He tastes her, Naruto can still taste her. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot not taste her, she tastes not unlike the metallic taste of copper. As She, the Hyuuga princess forcefully kisses him open mouthed.

The kiss is hungry, eager in essence, it is during small moments like this that Naruto muses on just how far he has fallen. Damned, if this was Paradise he sure as hell was lost in it.

"Better to reign in hell then serve in heaven" Naruto started out as a victim but after so many times killing for her, he now became complacent. After so many times , fucking her, he became more and more what they wanted him to be.

Did he ever care? Was there a secret shred of dignity that longed for the way life once was, before he was tainted made to soil his hands, body and soul for her?

Not as far as he could tell, he was nothing except a dredge, that followed the orders of the Hyuga. The Hyuga , were a organization that's roots ran deep, folks told their children stories late at night to scare children, about the Hyuga, individuals whose linage was tainted with something not exactly divine but close. This closeness to divinity was not benevolent, but depraved. The Hyuga were spoken of in hushed whispers.

Rumor had it the clan had reaches in all unsavory aspects of the Konoha underworld.

Before He was kidnapped and forced to kill for them, before he ever laid sights on her, He had images in his head, of bloated monsters that fed on flesh. However when he saw her,all those years ago, before the killing, when he met her for the first time, he was taken aback.

She was beautiful, in a refined sort of way, however her eyes were pale, and during their love making, her pulse never rose above 60 beats per miniute. These were the only uncanny things about her, as far as he could ascertain. His purpose in life was to kill for her, to protect her, as she herself carried the future of the Hyuga bloodline within her veins within her loins.

He used to be something, used to be someone but after each kill he loses apart of himself, further lost on the edge of the precipice. She pulls him into her, forces him to cum into her, after each mission, this has become a sort of ritual between the two of them, a depravity that ever her father does not know about. As it is forbidden for a corpse collector to intermingle beyond gathering the source of the Hyuga's sustenance .

He was made to kill, collect and present the kill to her. Nothing more, nothing less. But then again and again she kisses him with open mouth, And makes him whisper blasphemy's under his breath as they move towards the edge of totality together.

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