everyone's allergic to...

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This was the opportunity of a lifetime. Growing up, her love for Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy grew stronger. Unsure if it was the bright red hair, the leafy costume or seductiveness of the character that she loved there was no way she was going to pass up the role when it was offered to her. Lucky for them she had delved into the comics and read about the character as much as she could, completely investing herself in the role before she even got it. And lucky for her as well; if not, she would have had a lot of pointless information about Poison Ivy she could recite to anyone who came up to her and asked.

After the phone call with her manager, who informed her of everything that would take place after getting the role, she blasted music throughout the apartment dancing like a mad woman. She was sure the neighbors below would come up and complain about all the commotion but she didn't care. She was elated and no one would be able to bring her down.

She tired herself out quickly all the energy she had disappearing into a lovely high. This was pure happiness, she knew that for sure. Plopping down onto the couch with a groan, she closed her eyes tightly and let out a high pitched squeal. She couldn't wait to tell Sebastian even if he would tease her for the role.

It was almost as if someone above was listening to her inner thoughts because the door opened a second later bringing in a very cute Sebastian. His cheeks were rosy from the sun and his hair had lightened at the tips just slightly because of the sudden daily rays.

"Hi, sunshine," she sang brightly the smile on her face matching her tone.

Sebastian neared closer to the couch the look in his eyes holding a bit of suspicion. It wasn't like she was in a bad mood every time he came home but this was different.

"Hello, darling. What's got you all peppy today?" He leaned over the arm of the couch and brushed his lips on her cheek.

"Wellllllllll," she dragged out as long as she could, "I've got some news."

His eyes widened, pregnancy being the first thing coming to his mind. They had been married for 5 years now and kids had come up in conversation before but they hadn't officially decided if it was time yet.

"Am I-are you... oh my God... please just—"

"Sebastian!" Y/N exclaimed quickly following up with a laugh. "Jesus Christ, no I'm not pregnant. The fact that you think I would tell you nonchalantly saddens me. You know I have a flair for dramatics. It'd be a full on scavenger hunt."

"Good to know," he hummed, always entertained at the way she brought a light to everything. "So... if I'm not going to be a dad then... what?"

"I got the role!" She jumped up from the couch with a smile so big Sebastian thought her face was going to break.

"Which one?" To be fair Y/N had been going on a lot of auditions lately. It was hard to keep up with his own auditions on top of everything that he already had lined up.

"You have to promise not to make fun of me..."


"Then I guess I won't tell you." She shrugged, plopping back down onto the couch and crossing her arms over her chest.

Sebastian fell down next to her with a loud huff, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He kissed the right side of her face, millions of little pecks from her temple down to her jaw and the corner of her lips.

"Will you tell me now?" His voice was low and raspy.

"You have to promise me..."

"I promise," he nipped at her jaw.

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