Chapter Fourteen

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Months passed and Valerie learned a lot of things. She finished her lessons in Math, Science, making Jonathan leave. Language and History was also finished but Rick stayed to make sure Valerie can speak fluently to all the languages he had taught her. James and Darcy were so done with teaching her all of their knowledge but stayed to watch over her actions and plans.

In these months she interacacted with the son of the King and the children of other high ranked nobles that are all sons. She was surrounded with boys at Damien's household and she still gets surrounded by them in social gatherings.

Valerie had the title of 'Diamond Nether' which was surprisingly higher than the crown prince and the Duke, but is in the level of the King.

Valerie also leveled up so much, she thought she was undefeatable but gets slapped when she saw the level of Damian, so she controlled herself from boasting her stats to the spirits.

She also summons the spirits just to talk and hang out with them. Valerie was still easily bored so the spirits would come a lot.

Damian got acquainted with the lower ranked spirits but still gets ignored by the higher ranked spirits. Valerie asked the higher ranked spirits why they didn't get along with Damian and they answered that they do not want their master to be surrounded by people like him.

Valerie didn't get what the spirits said and made them leave because she was going to meet her 'friends'.

She stood from her bed and changed into something more comfortable than a fluffy dress she was forced to wear by Damian. She chose a plain black torso and white long sleeved shirt. She took a black shoe and went out of her room while she ties her hair into a braid. Her black hair reached her mid leg so she always tied it into a braid to not bother her. Damian asked her to let it stay like that and to not cut it, so she just complied.

The moment she was in the border of her wing and the other wings, she turned to the weapon room and she took her long twin Katana swords. She slashed it in the air and tied it on her waist.

Walking out of the room, her swords dangled, making the butlers know that somebody was there.

The moment she entered their meeting room, she saw the four of her friends. The son of the King, and the son of the other Dukes.

They greeted Valerie and Valerie nodded in acknowledgement. She grew tired of smiling and waving at them, so she just nodded.

"So, Valerie, your going to our school this August, right?" The prince, Edward, asked as he took Valerie's hand and kissed the back of her palm.

Valerie took her hand and nodded. "Do you want to explore it?" The Duke of the East's son, Adrian, asked with a smile.

"Can she even enter?" The Duke of the South's son, Flash, retorted in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Well, we can just tell them that she is Edward's acquaintance." The Duke of the West's son, Hubert, said and flashed Flash a grin.

Flash rolled his eyes and turned to Valerie. "Well? Do you want to go?" He asked and Valerie sighed.

It's Your Choice| A. F.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant