*Grooooaaaaan* (Why I haven't updated)

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Uuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhh guuuuuyyys... I feel like a zombiiiiee..... which is ironic because I'm watching the walking dead... anyways, what I mean by, I feel like a zombie, is that I feel siiiick.... *Groans again* (If you don't like details about disease I suggest you do not read this part.) I mean I have a slight sore throat because my tonsils are swollen *Knocks on wood*, I'm coughing like crazy, fatigue Aka I'm exhausted pretty much, stuffy nose, stomach ache er, well I had one... I puked up the orange juice my dad told me to drink... and apparently I have a fever of 104.9? I think... It was 104 last time my dad checked... around there... (Ok it's safe to read now) So, here's what happened, back in NJ I was running out of ideas and inspiration *Aka a writers block that's still active* Then all of a sudden we just decide to randomly pack up and move. I still have writer's block but then I get sick.. *Aka right now* So, I'm extremely sick and my parents decided to move AGAIN! So now I'm sick and were moving in a week... There's my excuse. COOKIES FOR EVERYBODY! There, that's my apology... hope you understand wolfinators and thank you for sticking with me for so long. P.S. don't worry! The cookies were made by a bakery, and I had the bakery send them straight to you guys, aka you don have to worry about catching my disease... which is apparently called tonsilitis... 

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