you live, you learn | sally x reader

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Doors, carpet, desk.

"Hi, you." You'd missed that face. "Hi Liz," you greeted the woman behind the counter. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" She tapped her acrylic nails on the wood of the desk. "I believe that the room you're looking for is already occupied - try knocking. She's been extra moody lately." You didn't know how to react to that. "Thanks" was all you could muster up to say. "Good luck."

It didn't take particularly long to get upstairs. You knocked on the door a few times, and she instantaneously swung the door open. A smile appeared on her face, but Liz's words echoed through your mind. What did she mean anyway? You'd been with Sally through waves of unstable moods - you two had spent many nights together and you'd grown used to it. You got the initial vibe that tonight seemed a little out of the ordinary. She looked like her usual self - disheveled and chaotic. You watched the smoke trail from the cigarette in her ashtray. "How are you feeling?" you asked, closing the door behind both of you. You watched Sally as she turned, you watched the way her tight dress hugged her body in all the right places. You watched her hand and the way she picked up her cigarette again - the way her lips moved around it. The way her eyes settled on you. It didn't take very long for you to begin undressing. You'd performed that dance with Sally dozens of times. "Jesus, you couldn't even wait for my answer before getting ready to fuck me." You didn't mean to - you didn't know how to explain yourself. "Sally - I didn't mean it like that. I just - it's always like this," you tried to say. "What do you mean - it's always like this? Like what?" You could feel the tension in the room. "I -" she shook her head and put out her cigarette. "Un-fucking-believable," she muttered.

"Is there someone else?" The question caused you to look up from the blanket you'd wrapped yourself up in. "What are you talking about?" you asked cautiously. Anger burned in Sally's eyes. "Is this some kind of joke to you - am I some joke to you?" she demanded. "I honest to God have no idea what you're talking about." You were tired. It'd been so long since you'd visited the Cortez and having Sally react in such a way only made you question if you should've visited in the first place. "Him. Him! Were you with him?" You had no idea what she meant. "Who are you talking about?" Sally stood for a second, breaking away to light a new cigarette. "Don't play me, I'm the very last person you want to play," she growled in warning. "Is there anything you want to tell me? Because I know why you haven't been coming to see me, do you think I'm stupid?" she asked, her voice a bit distorted by the cigarette in her mouth. "Why would I think you're stupid? You're being crazy!" you reacted. "Crazy? For wondering where you've been? For knowing you've been fucking that - prick. How did you expect me to react? We have a good thing going here!" she nearly exploded. "Why are you acting like you own me? So, even if I did -" you started to say, being cut off again. Sally removed the cigarette from her mouth, filling the room with her smoke. "You belong to me -" she interrupted. "I don't belong to anyone," you strongly interjected. You could feel the anger, apparent on Sally's face as you spoke - and you could feel your own anger; maybe even irrational anger building in your chest. Sally shouldn't have spoken to you in that way - but somewhere deep down you knew it came from a place of fear and hurt, and even you were too fearful to admit that she'd been right all along. "Why are you so jealous?" you finally spat, breaking to pull a cigarette from the pack. "I'm not jealous! The thought of you with that - disgusting son of a bitch, it just makes me sick," Sally muttered, sinking down in her chair. "Maybe that isn't your decision." Sally's accusatory tone had pissed you off more than you were willing to admit. "Sometimes, you make me sick," you mumbled out of anger. "What did you just say? I make you sick because I can't stop picturing you with that - with that piece of shit," the blonde swore, pausing to take another drag. Your demeanor changed a bit, noticing that Sally had backed down a little.

A few moments had passed and when you got up to put out your cigarette, Sally finally broke the silence. "Tell me I don't have a reason to be worried. Tell me, you aren't going to end up like all the rest. Tell me you aren't going to leave me," she urged a tint of emotion in her tone. You didn't answer - surprisingly for the first time in the duration of your relationship. You averted your eyes, not wanting to catch the spirit's gaze especially when you felt so guilty. You two had never settled on a rock solid plan - never had a relationship set in stone. Sally had certainly been with you at your lowest, the night your ex-boyfriend finally left you. Everything in life felt new and painful, re-learning all over again. You'd glanced at Sally one time while visiting the Cortez's bar and somehow she'd never looked back. You didn't even know you could experience such attraction until Sally. All of that raced through your mind like a car on a track, the silence in the room deafening.

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