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After a while, there was a knock on the door and Ryder got up to open the door. A second later Ryder came back followed by a boy who looked to be about a year older then me; he had pale skin and hollow cheekbones below big grey eyes that looked too large for his face, he was tall, about six feet tall,tall enough to tower over Ryder. His hair was the same color as a Ravens wing  and it reminded me a bit of Harry Potters hair because it looked as wild as his. His expression was guarded and his eyes were hooded, he stared at the ground as if it was nicer then the people  around him.

When he looked up to greet us I noticed that his gray eyes had flecks of blue and green in them, he also turned his head every time he wanted to look at someone. When his eyes met mine I could see the coldness inside of them trying to hide the pain and sorrow masked behind them. I immediately knew that there was something familiar in his expression, maybe it was the sadness evident in his face that looked too morbid for anyone his age to have experienced? Or maybe it was how he looked so unsure of himself, like he had to calculate every single move he made before he made them?. Whatever his demons were I knew that they were akin to my own. 

"Hey" his voice was low and hoarse as if he didn't speak much, he probably didn't.

"Where were you all this time?" Asked Simon, a small frown on his face.

"I was with a friend" he replied curtly.

"OK, then" he ended.

"Hi" said my mom and dad in unison. 

Well that wasn't creepy at all.

He nodded at them before taking a sit between Tristan and Simon. I stared as Tristan whispered in his ear and Sage glared at him, I wondered if the already know each other but I quickly dismissed the thought as  Ryder bought bowls of ice cream, he was carrying five bowls at the same time and they looked at risk of falling so I got up to help him. Not because I didn't dislike him, I did it because I care... about ice cream.

I grabbed two bowls from him and put it in front of Tanya and Simon. When I sat down in my seat I noticed Sage staring at me, he was looking at me like he couldn't figure me out, so I did the only thing I could do. I looked down and ate my ice cream, well not before giving him the one fingered salute.


After a couple of hours the Matthews and the boy went back to their house and I went upstairs to get ready for bed. After my shower and as I walked back to my bedroom, I passed by Ryder's door and remembered the chocolate milk thing he did to me and decided it was the perfect time to get revenge on him. I walked through his open door and opened his wardrobe. I kept looking until I found his favorite grey polo shirt which was identical to his third favorite shirt, I only knew this little golden-nugget because he talks way too much about clothes. 

I took his shirt of the rack and bought it too the bathroom I locked the door and walked to the little cupboard underneath the sink I put the shirt aside and grabbed the bottle of bleach from inside the cupboard. I smiled to myself, this was going to be good.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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