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  He grasped the papers more tightly, young boy.With fried eyes and skin that was colder than usual, it looked terrible. A tear came from her left eye. Again and again.

  He cursed himself again. For making her upset. He cursed him for making him cry, for making him fall in love cursed himself.

  There was no one who loved her anymore. On the left side. There was no one who could laugh anyway. He died of his fucking personality, didn't he?

"In my eyes, you've never been a loser kid Jungkook. You were a flower for me. Snowdrop. You were special. You were strong. But because of me, you have no power anymore. It's because of me. I'm such a fucking man, aren't I? I'm worthless. But my love for you was very precious. I wanted to hug you once. To inhale the smell I never knew. But it was just a dream for me. I already knew I'd get married. I wanted to hide it. But it didn't work guess. You are not here. I know you're above that. I know you're watching me. After what I'm going to do now, I'm going to be upstairs. I love you, angel boy...."

  The young man began to walk around his wrists slowly with the razor in his hand. He didn't feel pain. He was numb. He was soulless. The young boy barely spoke with his breath, and despite his closing eyes, he said one last word:

                          "My soul doesn't need to get out of my body.
                                                     I'm already dead

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