Chapter 2: The Entrance Exam & First Day of Class

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It was the day of the U.A. entrance exam. (Y/N) arrived at the school somewhat early and saw quite a few other people were there, most of them were other applicants like the tall raven-haired boy with glasses that looked a bit strict, but a few were on their way to what appeared to be the office. (Y/N) asked a girl he saw heading that direction what that was about.

(Y/N): "Hey, uh, excuse me, are you another applicant? Do we have to go to the office?"

???: "Oh, um, I don't think so? Sorry, I got in through recommendations and I'm just finishing up, getting my transcripts to the office and stuff."

(Y/N): "Ah, I guess that makes sense... Wait, how does getting in through recommendation actually work?"

???: "Oh! Well, besides a good score on a written test, you need to have recommendations from Pro Heroes that explain why they think you should be admitted into the school."

(Y/N): "Huh... I never knew that you could do that. That's pretty cool- wait, that means you must be pretty amazing to get in through recommendations then!"

???: "O-oh, w-well sure, I guess you could say that. Hehe..." she said with a small blush appearing on her face.

As (Y/N) was about to say something, a message was played through the speakers announcing where the applicants of the entrance exam should head and that orientation starts in 10 minutes.

(Y/N): "Ah, that's my queue. Well, I guess I'll see you around the school if I pass the exam!"

???: "Sure! Good luck!" She said as (Y/N) walked towards the orientation room.

When the teens parted ways, they each had a thought run through their minds.

(Y/N): 'She seemed nice...'

???: 'He was kinda cute...'


Timeskip to after the exam as it's pretty obvious (Y/N) will pass in this kind of story.


          A couple of weeks have passed since the U.A. entrance exam, and (Y/N) awaited the results. He wondered how Midoriya had done on the test, especially since as far as he knew, Midoriya was Quirkless. When his doorbell rang, (Y/N) received the package and opened it to find a... 'what is that?', (Y/N) thought. He checked the object for a bit until he gave it a little bump and it turned on. It turned out to be some sort of hologram where All Might himself congratulated him on being accepted into U.A. (Y/N) wasn't too surprised he managed to get in, but he still rejoiced.

(Y/N):  "Mom... Dad... Dante... I wish you could see me now..." (Y/N) quietly wept.

(Y/N) ended up falling to sleep having conflicting feelings. Being very happy about his acceptance to U.A., but broken over not being able to share the moment with his family.


          The first day of class finally arrived. (Y/N) arrived at the school, entering the big H-like building and looked for where Class 1-A was when he suddenly fell to his backside after bumping into someone.

(Y/N):  "Oh shit! I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention" He said, standing up and offering the other student a hand.

???:  "N-no, it's ok, I wasn't paying much attention myself". A feminine voice spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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