Chapter 1

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Please excuse any grammar errors, I'll be going through the chapters as I go along and correcting anything. Thanks and enjoy!!


The cold wind blew over the desert landscape causing a great contrast to the moon's appearance. One would think that a desert moon would be blistering hot much like Tatooine or Geonosis, but that was not the case. For the oddest reason the small moon had a cold climate causing the inhabitants to dress as if they lived on a planet similar to Hoth.

Jedha was a place mainly for pilgrims and other religious groups, but it also served another purpose. A purpose that Ketu put to great use. This was her exile.

Trudging across the desert toward NiJedha Ketu couldn't help but feel uneasy. Why? She had no idea. But being on Jedha had also helped her in a way, she had become acquainted with the Guardians of the Jedi Temple and they had helped her to understand more about her connection to the Force, many believing at first that she had been in the Jedi order but left at a young age.

Once she reached the city she made her way toward the nearest Cantina for a quick meal.

Upon entering the Cantina she quickly took in all of the different people and creatures inside, three stuck out to her the most. Dressed in the typical Naboo travel attire they were easy to pick out from the other inhabitants.

She chose to ignore the travellers, assuming they had come for religious reasons, and instead went to the bar and ordered her food.

"Ketu!" A familiar voice called out to her and she turned to find Hadi Bishru, a guardian of the Jedi Temple, standing before her.

"What is it, Hadi?" She asked, speaking the native Togruti dialect, or her version of it as she wasn't fully capable of speaking the actual language, but most Togruta she had come across understood her perfectly, it also helped that she had the ability to be very expressive in a non-verbal manner which was a major key to understanding the language.

"There is someone asking for you at the Temple." He replied.

Casting a glance at the food that had just been put before her she frowned, she was starving but she was also curious as to who would be here looking for her. Was it someone from Naboo? Perhaps from Coruscant? 

"Very well." She sighed before handing the server the credits for the food. She followed Hadi out of the Cantina, passing the untouched food to a beggar on the side of the path.

The Temple soon came into view and Ketu squared her shoulders before going up the stairs and entering the Temple. Something dark entered her mind as they made their way through the stone halls. It put her on edge and her hand twitched beside the Beskad on her hip. Hadi lead her to the meeting room where a cloaked figure was waiting.

"I shall leave you now." Hadi said with a bow before leaving and closing the door behind him, knowing that this conversation was most likely best had in private.

The cloaked figure turned around and removed the hood revealing a familiar face. Ketu felt her anger rising as she recognized the man under the hood, a dark shadow began to spread through her mind. What was he doing here?

"What do you want, Count?" Ketu asked.

Count Dooku chuckled as he slowly moved closer to her. "Ketu Tuaggu, it seems you have lost your sense of diplomacy."

"You haven't answered my question." Ketu nearly growled, her eyes never left him. She knew that he was a dangerous man and had been training under a Sith Lord, who that was no one knew.

"Straight to the point I see. How typical." Count Dooku spoke as he began walking in a slow circle around her. "I have a request, a job for you to do-."

"Clearly you have spent too much time in your caves on Geonosis. I am no longer in that line of work and even if I was I would still never work for you." Ketu sneered. She felt no fear speaking to him in this manner even though she knew full well that he had been trained to use the Dark side of the Force.

Dooku smirked, he could feel the darkness in her. Whatever they had been doing to her was working.

"I see, it is clear I can't change your mind." He replied before pulling his hood up and leaving the room. He allowed for a smirk to appear on his face as he walked down the hall. He knew Ketu, and he knew that her curiosity would lead her to play right into his plan. There was no way she could resist accidentally falling into the trap.

Ketu was on edge. Count Dooku would never give up that easily so what was he up to? It couldn't be anything good especially if he would come so far out here just to speak to her.

Ketu closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling through the Force for the Count. Once she found him she waited until he had left the Temple before she began to follow.


Ketu followed him for quite some time until she turned down an alley, she realized then that Count Dooku was not headed for the hangar. Why would he stay in a place like this? A man like him would not spend any more time on this moon than was necessary.

She continued down the alley until she felt a presence behind her.

Turning around she spotted someone hiding in the shadows.

"I can see you." She muttered loud enough for whoever it was to hear her and the figure slowly came out of the shadows.

A Rodian Bounty Hunter holding a blaster came into the light causing Ketu to laugh.

"What do you think you can do with that? You should know never to come for me alone. Truly I'm insulted." Ketu spoke with a frown on her face.

"Someone has placed a pretty high price on your head. And I didn't come alone." The Rodian replied with what Ketu assumed was a smirk but she couldn't quite tell.

Ketu heard the whirring sound of a blaster and she quickly turned around, her whip slicing through the air until the end wrapped around the Bounty Hunter's wrist pulling him to the ground and she flipped over him before firing a blaster from her vambrace at the back of his head.

To be continued...

Ketu: A Star Wars Story (Episode 2: Attack of the Clones Where stories live. Discover now