Chapter 2 - Squeaky Clean

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Running into the bathroom, Linda had everything prepared. Some fresh clothes placed on top of the heater to keep them warm and a towel placed just on the hanger by the shower for easy grabbing. Simply shutting the door, she leaned over, pulling the shower curtain around before she turned it on. As the cool water poured out, if wasn't long before it was replaced with warm, welcoming water. Soon, she begun to undress herself from top to bottom. As the cool air hit, she was paceful in embracing the warm welcoming water. Allowing the water to steam down her face and hair to dampen it, she soon grabbed the shampoo, opening it as she stepped forth before pouring it on and massaging it in.

As doing so, the shower acted as a perfect sound distraction as Joey slowly opened the door. He couldn't resist taking a peak. Without a sound, he silently walked in. Smiling slightly, he was met with the warmth of the steaming shower. If only it was the insides of Linda...  Although it was hard to see, he could see the figure of Linda moving as she was in the current process of massaging the shampoo in. He continued to watch as slowly his right hand once again slid down and met his aching member. Gently grasping it, he continued to watch the movement of her body as only could he dream it was the movement on his dick. Eyes squint, a small smile formed. He purposely moved his hand around his shaft, mimicking her movement as  pleasure was slowly building, his hips moved slightly. Oh how he was curious how Henry was never tempted. She was perfect. The younger the tighter. Being in a state of pleasure, a silent grunt left which caused him to stop. Eyes widened, it was pure silence for a few ... Long... Painfully dragging moments. Upon hearing nothing else other than the splashes of the shower, he slowly continued his little show.

After what appeared to be monks, Linda was soon finishing up. Of course... At this point... Joey simply couldn't keep to himself for much longer.

Taking her towel, her clothes and any other form of protection,

He quickly headed out.

Finishing up, Linda smiled. She felt clean and refreshed. Moving her hand out the shower to grab the towel, she struggled as soon enough, she took a brave turn in walking out.

The cool air was horrible. It brought goosebumps upon goosebumps as she shivered. " Uncle Joey? " She called out, confused at how her clothes vanished like magic.

Of course there was no response however he heard all too well. Arms crossing for any warmth, Linda soon slowly walked out, face reddened as she was soaked, cold and embarrassed.

Walking into the living room, she tried her best to keep covered as a silent " Uncle Joey? " Left her. There he was, sitting on the couch as he ' pretended ' to watch tv. Slowly his eyes turned to her as he couldn't help but to examine up and down. Oh how slick... She would be. As water slid down her body, the old man licked his lips slightly. " Where's your clothes? " Joey raised a brow. Little did she know that he had stuffed them in his room. " I...I don't know... " She shivered. Was the window open or something?

Joey only chuckled. " You must be cold. Come here. " He grinned. Although she was hesitant, she slowly approached as Joey opened his arms. It felt very...very wrong however she looked up to him. She trusted him.

Turning around, she slowly sat on his lap as his arms wrapped around her like snakes. The warmth of his robe helped her to relax however... something underneath was poking all too uncomfortably.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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