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 15 – 19 // -XOXOLOVEARMY】

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MESSAGE // welcome back, justine! i'm sorry for not following your demands aslkdjaskld i honestly shouldn't be working on requests at all today because i have so much coming up and due in the next two days but i saw that this was a pretty hefty re...

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MESSAGE // welcome back, justine! i'm sorry for not following your demands aslkdjaskld i honestly shouldn't be working on requests at all today because i have so much coming up and due in the next two days but i saw that this was a pretty hefty request for 5 covers so i wanted to get this over with asap aslkdjalsd

i hope you'll like these even if i didn't do the rips *^* i can kind of imagine the rips in my head and i personally think it'll look kind of messy? because "you've blinked" is already such a stylized template, adding rips as the pictures would make it too much for the eyes to see at the same time askdjaksd

also i hate wattpad i had a technical difficulty where i couldn't upload any of the previews or gifs so i had to transfer them through imgur and add them in by phone and that took me about 20-30 minutes to do since two of the gifs weren't saved as gifs but as videos omf aslkdjaksld

also i hate wattpad i had a technical difficulty where i couldn't upload any of the previews or gifs so i had to transfer them through imgur and add them in by phone and that took me about 20-30 minutes to do since two of the gifs weren't saved as...

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MESSAGE // hhhhhh babe i hope these are okay? i want to thank you so much for already having links omg these saved me so much time and were just a copy and paste away ugh anyways i won't say much i'll just lurk around so i can give you links and t...

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MESSAGE // hhhhhh babe i hope these are okay? i want to thank you so much for already having links omg these saved me so much time and were just a copy and paste away ugh anyways i won't say much i'll just lurk around so i can give you links and then i'll go finish my hw and project ):

MESSAGE // hhhhhh babe i hope these are okay? i want to thank you so much for already having links omg these saved me so much time and were just a copy and paste away ugh anyways i won't say much i'll just lurk around so i can give you links and t...

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