The Boy From The Back Alley Forest

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Chapter 1

"What do you think are you doing?!" The man shouted but no one dared to answer.

"He doesn't even know anything. What's his name, where he's from, where is he even going?" he paused for a moment then he pointed at them. "And you let this guy enter our town, you're risking not only your life three idiots but all of us! What if he's infected? What will you do? Elliot? Andre? Esther? Huh? Answer me now!"

The door swung open a man who's wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt with a crossbow on his back and tactical pants along with black boots and a belt holster with a magnum on his side and a hunting knife on the other entered. "His name is Nathan or so this crumpled paper in his jacket says so." The man placed the jacket and the crumpled paper in front of the new guy.

"Nathan?" He asked himself. It doesn't ring a bell and doesn't feel right about it but there really isn't something he could do and the only thing he could hold on to is the name, Nathan.

"His name isn't the problem right now Leon!" The other man shouted again.

"Logan" the man named Leon looked at him calmly "Elliot, Andre and Esther said that they already went to all the precautionary measure we all do before we let someone in"

Everyone nodded but that didn't change Logan's mood in fact it made him more aggressive.

"He is not infected he doesn't carry the virus" Leon continued.

"That is not the point!" Logan said his fierce voice unfaltering. "They let him in from The Back Alley Forest. They didn't just break one rule, they broke two. One is going outside our town without informing anyone and two is bringing that guy in. Both punishable, hard by our law!"

"Yes, They should be punished, but they are also minor, do you really think vanishing them out the town will do the law?"

"If that's the law, so be it," Logan said then walked towards the door where Leon entered and pushed it hard enough to make his point.

Silence flooded the room, everyone looking at Nathan who still have no idea about anything that's been happening or happened not only in this room where they are but what happened before he even got here.

"Well, Nathan. A small introduction of these guys, the far left is Esther, the middle one is Andre and that over there is Elliot" they waved at him except for Elliot whose expression isn't readable at the moment. "Anyways you guys should go home its getting dark" They all looked at him with fright. "I know, your parents or guardians already know what happened here, and most of all, you three already know what would happen when you made the decision taking him. But I could assure you vanishment isn't the punishment they'll give you." He smiled and went towards the door gesturing them to leave.

   They slowly walk, leaving Leon and the new guy behind.

Leon sat down in the chair in front of Nathan.

"Are you alright?" He asked Nathan and gave him a chocolate candy bar and a water bottle. He immediately grabs it and starts munching on it, he never realized he's been this hungry. "Welcome to The New City. I'm Leon but I guess you already knew that because of the recent events and your name is, umm, Nathan?"

He nods but stops in the middle and look at him and shook his head.

"Still doesn't remember?"

"Yes," Nathan said, the first word he ever spoke since he got here.

Leon looked at him from head to toe back and forth.

Nathan was bothered his stare "What is it?"

He shook his head "you just remind me of someone I know" he said.

"A family member?" He asked.

"No but he's close like one, he's like a brother to me."

"Where is he?"

"He's dead" he paused "I killed him"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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