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(Authors Note)

Hi guys! Um, this is set waaaay before the events of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. It's about the making of Shadow Temple and I think I might also put something about the Well in there :) Sorry if any facts are wrong. It is fan made ^_^ ENJOY! AND GIVE ME FEEEEEDDDBBBAAACCKKK!!! om nom nom O.O)


It was a cold, dark night, with the hint of a storm in the air. It was not yet raining but bright flashes of lighting and the distant rumble of thunder could be heard.

A young boy, around 11 or 12, hurried through the small town, a brown paper package clutched in his arms. His mother had sent him out to get some wheat for making bread, with the harsh warning that if he was late, he would be severely punished. As he ran through the empty streets, he noticed something peculiar happening in the direction of the graveyard. His steps faltered as he tried to see what was going on. A soft, pale green light was slowly pulsing behind the brick houses. He walked towards the glow, fascinated. He came to the lane that would take him into the graveyard. The young boy hesitated. Many a strange tale had been told about people who had stepped onto this land. Stories of young boys (like himself) going insane and murdering their families. Whispers of men being so mutilated, no-one could recognize them.

Of course, this boy's mother had scoffed at the tales. 'Just silly rumors spread around to scare people from going out at night,' she had told him. 'No truth in any of it.'

Despite her words, the small boy didn't want to take any risks. And besides, his mother would be wanting him home with the wheat. If he was late again, he knew a good thrashing would be in store for him. Just as he turned away, a strange feeling overcame him. The urge to walk right into that dark lane overpowered him and his feet began to carry him forward, into the darkness.

As the light got brighter, his thoughts got more muddled. Visions of towns burning, people screaming and a large, pure black shadow arising from the ground, engulfing the entire town.

The boy gasped as he was freed from the visions and the strange pulling sensation. His legs shook and he almost fell to his knees at the sight before him. He was now at the entrance to the graveyard, standing right beside the deserted grave-keepers hut. A large Poe was floating near the back of the land and the source of the green light was something in front of it. It's back was to the small boy but he crept behind the dilapidated hut just in case. As he hid, his foot knocked a metal pail and it clattered against the wooden fence marking the perimeter. The sound made the boy wince and he cautiously peeked at the Poe. It was too busy to notice. 'Get out of here while you can,' he thought. 'Before that thing finds you here.' He took a deep breath and glanced around the hut once again.A jolt of fear ran down his spine as he looked at the empty space.

The Poe had disappeared. He had heard stories of Poe's disappearing and reappearing at will and he shivered from fear. How would he know where it was now? He should have never of come here. 'At least it's better than it being here and knowing where I am,' he said to himself, taking a few deep breaths to calm his racing heart. 'Hopefully it's left and I can get out of here easy.' Having a bit more confidence, he stepped out and looked around. It was empty and the green light had faded away too. Not a sign of the Poe anywhere. He started to back away, keeping his eyes on the graveyard. Suddenly, everything went cold and a feeling of dread came over him. He clutched his package tighter and slowly turned around. He came face-to-face with the Poe he had seen earlier. Its red eyes glowed, seeming to float on its darkened face. He could see, now that he was close to it, the Poe was larger than a normal graveyard Poe. It was probably even larger than the Big Poe's. It started laughing in a high pitched giggle. 'Too bad for you, it won't be easy getting out of here before I'm done with you.' It said, floating closer. Its tone was almost polite, conversational but with a hint of malice and glee. The young boy didn't know what to do. Here he was, face-to-face with a Poe, a spirit filled with hatred and spite, and his legs had frozen. His whole body was on lock-down mode. All he could do was stare the thing in the face (if it had one) whilst it inched closer and closer, blocking his way out. He gulped, willing his legs to move. As it came closer, he did the only thing he could think of. Run. Even though a little voice in the back of his head was telling him it was the wrong way, he ran towards the edge of the graveyard, dodging grave-stones until he came to an end at a stone wall at least six meters high and traveling all the way around the outside of the fence. The Poe's high pitched laugh sounded behind him and he turned around to see its lantern floating towards him. It had no need to hurry. It knew it had got him where it wanted him. He gasped in shallow, sobbing breaths, knowing there was no escape. The Poe shimmered into view. 'The foolishness of humans makes them easy targets. How naive and weak they are to be taken over by a simple calling spell,' it said, all traces of politeness gone, replaced by a more sinister, evil tone. 'That's why it's so fun to play with them. Leading them astray until they can't find their way home ever again,' the spirit laughed, a dark, wicked sound. 'But now is no time for games. You will be my little experiment. A vessel of sorts for my master.' As the Poe stopped speaking, the ground beneath him started to glow green. This was not the soft, pale glow he saw before, but a vibrant, blinding light. It grew larger until it was covering both him and the Poe. A dim humming filled his ears and the horrible visions of fire and death flashed before his eyes once more. 'Please…stop,' the young boy moaned, dropping his package and clutching his head. The Poe laughed as the light got brighter and the dull humming grew into a loud roar. The boy screamed and fell to the floor, feelings of blood lust, terror and anger washing over him. His vision turned red.

'Somebody, HELP ME!'

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