Chapter 1: Eden

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"Alright crew," Ever's strong voice filled the entire deck, though he was up on the quarterdeck. "This extraction has to be quick and clean. You are to fight only in self-defense, and please try not to kill anyone."

"I mean, you'd think we're pirates or something." Hunter said from beside me where we leaned against the deck railing in anticipation.

I gave him a playful shove. The waves slapped against the hull as we cut through the water, fast approaching our targeted ship. My hands clenched the railing in nervous excitement. Ever had chosen me as one of three to perform the extraction, and I was eager to prove myself.

"I'm just saying, I think we should either elect a new captain or take that huge skull off our flag," Hunter held his hands out to measure the flag, closing one eye and sticking out his tongue. "I'm thinking a baby piffin."

I tried to imagine the pudgy, fluffy creature resembling an owl displayed across our flag and I shook my head, rolling my eyes. "Or how about a message that says, 'Please don't kill us, we're actually nice pirates who mean you no harm!'"

"Exactly!" Hunter threw up his arms. "People somehow get the wrong idea when their ship is being boarded by people with eyepatches and missing limbs, flying a flag with a skull on it and pointing swords at them!"

We suddenly approached the other ship and one of the men on their crew pointed at us, screaming, "Pirates!"

"I rest my case." Hunter said and heaved himself off the railing, reaching for his sword.

I gave him a smile as he drew his sword, and grabbed a rope hanging over the mast in the other hand. "Don't die and don't kill anyone." He reminded me, and with a mock-salute he used the rope to swing over the deck and landed aboard the other ship, followed by almost a dozen others.

I caught Ever's eye aboard the quarterdeck and he nodded slightly. We both grabbed a rope and swung over. I loved the free, flying sensation as I glided over the churning sea, and stuck the landing on the other side. I ducked suddenly and a sword sliced through the air where my head had been.

The deck was chaos, I needed to finish the job before people started getting hurt. I easily spotted Ever's tall head above the fighting and, drawing my sword, I weaved my way through the fray. I caught up to him just as he and another female pirate reached the captain's quarters--always the first place to search for captives.

We spotted her at once, hands and feet bound behind several large crates, unable to move. I rushed to the girl and knelt down, pulling my enchanted pocket knife out of my belt.

The girl eyed the knife warily. "You're not going to hurt me." she said breathlessly, her eyes wide.

"Don't worry, we're here to free you." I reassured her, quickly snapping the ropes on her wrists and ankles.

"There's one more," she said, standing up. I gave the girl a confused look and she turned, showing me her back.

I realized, a bit embarrassed that I hadn't before, that the girl was actually a Nym, and her shimmering, transparent wings were also tied up. I carefully cut the ropes, sheathed my knife and grabbed her hand, leading her out. With Ever clearing us a path through, we dashed across the deck and sent the Nym over to the Liberator first.

I grabbed the rope, preparing to go over, when a sharp pain tore through my right arm. I spun and my sword met the scowling man's. We parried for no more than ten seconds before the man's sword went flying, and by the time he drew his dagger I was already on the Liberator.

Ever was standing on the railing beside me; he put his fingers between his teeth and let out a shrill whistle. We started pulling away and the last of the crew made it over. I saw Hunter up at the helm, looking very heroic. He caught my eye and flashed me a grin, to which I stuck my tongue out immaturely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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