DBZ vs the androids... or not

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I awake to an explosion in the sky. I look to the falling dabre, it looks like... a car? Since when do cars fly? I than see what caused the explosion. There are two figure floating in the sky. They than descend quickly. Hu very strange... I sniff the air. I than look to the sky to see five other fights descend to the city. What ever it's not like I can help any ways. Well time to look for some food. It looks like I'll have to settle for human food for now. I jump off from the top of the roof effortlessly and continue to walk. While I'm out I should get some new close. I look down at myself I'm a mess. At least my leg is pretty much healed I still have a limp so I'll keep the splint on for now. I walk further into th city, I can't take from that drug store again the clerk will recognise me. I finally find a gas station. Perfect, I can get some decent snakes here. I walk into the store and look around I still some strange looks but not as many as yesterday. I take some chips, beef jerky, a hot dog, and a drink called heat tap. I walk tords the front and just like last night befor he could say any thing I was out the door I ran around some corners and into an ally way and I hear someone yelling at someone to get out of the way. I look around the corner and see an old man standing in front of a car. He has long wight hair that stops around his wast. Ha has a tall black hat with two r's on the front. He has on a yellow shirt with puffy shoulders, a black and wight short jacket, brown baggy pants with a red sash around his waist and to top it all off he had black a wight pointed shoes. Over all he looked ridicules. What he dose next surprises me tho. He sticks his hand throw the front of the car and pulls out the engine. He than drops it and walks tords the driver. The driver is freaking out and the old man grabs the driver throw the window by the neck and lifts him throw the roof of the car. A woman with pink hair and a yellow dress sees the old man choking the driver by his throat and screams. The old man than drops the driver. "I'm detecting a human with extraordinary power, what do your sensors indicate 19?" He asks. I than knowtest the fat clown like person next to him. He was where similar close to the old man, but the colors were different and his hat looked like a spike. "It's coming closer, perhaps the one we seek?" The fat one asks. His voice is a bit irritating.(OMG ITS MORE THAN JUST A BIT IRRITATING IN THIS DUB! I HATE IT!) "Perhaps, this one far surpasses the average human." The old man replays. "We will destroy it, yes 20?" The fat one seas with a smile. These guys are demented. I mean I'm no saint I've killed people before but these guys seem happy about it and in my defence the people weren't Innocent. That fly into the sky and a few moments later a man with spiky flat hair showed up.(if that makes sense.) His eyes were dark in color and he had a scar across his cheek, he aslo wore a sleeveless, orange, jumpsuit. He saw the body's of the other people that I watched die. I feel horble for it but in my current state I can't do much. I don't know if I'll even affect them. He runs into the open a desperately looks around. "Where, where are that hiding?! He seas. "Hay you!" He calls out to the clerk of the gas station, but he just runs away. He than looks to two business men looking out a window. "Hay you too, did you see what happened to these people, who did this?!" He asks. "There were two of them." "Thay came out of nowhere, they zapped everyone than just disappeared." "They... disappeared!? I must have just missed him. I better go back and tell the others." "This is not the human we seek, I will identify it." I hear 19 say. "Human designated as male, sub class B, identified as Yamucha." "Excellent he will provide us with ample energy."(DA fuck dose ample mean?) "Whate a second what's the point of telling the others? I haven't found them yet." (1 what's the point of saying that out loud. 2 there behind you dum ass!) Just as he said that 19 and 20 landed behind him. A few second later he knowtest them. "You two better be careful there's a couple of androids.on the lose and that mean business." I face palm. Doesn't he know a suspicious person when he sees them! I mean there totally out of place! From the moment I saw them I knew something was up! "No... No you can't be." Yamucha seas. "We are they" 20 seas. Yamucha jumps back away from the androids and yells I found them. 20 startes to raises his hand and I get an uneasy feeling. He locks his hand around Yamucha mouth. Yamucha trys to pry 20's arm off to no avail. 20 than lifts Yamucha off the ground. Yamucha is freaking out and I don't blame him. A truck comes down the rode but before it hits them it serves into the gas station causing an explosion. As much as Yamucha trys he can't get out of 20's grasp. I see 20start to raise his hand. Wherever he's doing I won't let him do it. I can't sit idolly by any longer. Before 20 can go any further I round house kick him and he go's flying I thank drop down use the ground as leverage and kick up at 19 sending him flying as well. "Hay you alright?" I ask him. "Uh ya thanks for the save man." "no problem." That's when a bald man with 3 eyes showed up. He wore green baggy pants with a red sash, yellow and black boots, and a shirt that covers only about half his chest. Than 3 others show up. I'm distracted and didn't see 20 barreling tords me. He punched me in the stomach and I spit up some blood as I flew into the side of a building. "Oh no" I hear someone say but don't register it. I force myself out of the ruble and regain my balance. "Your gana pay for that." I say as I wipe the blood from my mouth.

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