The Man Downstairs

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"It's not the same Carson. You are on your own. No one is there to hold-"

"My hand. Yes I know." I say to my dad over the phone.

My heels clack along the streets of New York City. Cars nearly running into each other , people running from place to place , stands upon stands. I liked the atmosphere here. It meant business.

"Carson I love you."

He meant that.

"I love you too. I'll call whenever I can."

I hung up on him before he could say anything else. He hated it but I found it amusing.

I don't know the exact address but I knew the area it was in. I knew it was a tall building with 3 flags on top which is odd.

"Watch where ya' goin'!" some old man shouted towards me.

"Im sorry!" I say. He gave a me a look as if I wasn't supposed to say sorry. I guess that's how things work here.

My gray pumps look dirty already but oh well. I wouldn't mind , but the people of the company would. I figure I would go to the bathroom to fix them up a bit but I wouldn't have time.

"You mean business." Telling myself over and over again like a broken record of a song no one liked. Sad thing is , I never meant business.

I was always that outgoing girl with a fun personality , according to the people who knew me.

I look up to find the building a block away. Pushing and shoving these people to get where I was going seemed to be the norm. I looked in the glass of the building and checked how I looked knowing the people inside could see me.

Gradually , walking into this cold building that nearly threw me off, an older women was at the front desk. It was tall and pretty inside. Monumental as my dad would call it.

"Hello. Welcome to Everbank my names is Joan. How may I help you?" She spoke a bit to nice.

"Hi Joan i'm here for a meeting with Mr. Rety."

"Are you sure?" Joan said to me.

"Um yes." I said chuckling.

She stared as if something was wrong or something was out of place.

"Did I say somethi-"

"This way Ms.Searle."

Her whole demeanor changed without me knowing. What's up with her? I lingered behind her in a professional manner. She walked slow but guessing because she was a old.

She led me down a awfully long hallway. As we're walking I here people talking with concern. Stares from every corner. This wasn't what I expecting.

"Here we are Ms. Searle. You may go in." she gave a fake smile and a gesture to go in. Before I could ask her a question she was gone.

I stood at a tall door. I've heard many stories about this place. How people are just unexplainably rude which I could believe.

I set me hand on the door for maybe 6 seconds before twisting. When I opened , there sat a man. With his eyes starring into my soul almost. His sharp green eyes piercing me down. "Hello Ms. Searle." he got up from his desk that was literally across the room.

He walked with swagger and manliness to me and held out his hand.

"I've been waiting so long for a women just like you." He states.

With a face of a young man but the confidence of a royal.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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