I'm Not Ready

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I sat in the abandoned observatory for a few hours, just trying to comprehend what had happened the night before.

I was pregnant with triplets, Cole was either shocked or he didn't want them, I ran from him and slept in an abandoned observatory.

I haven't seen Cole since. He didn't try to call me or even look around a bit, he just left me with my thoughts. Although, even if he did call I wouldn't have answered, he was being a jerk the night before and.I needed to simmer down without hearing him try to justify what he did to me and my babies.

So I decided to confront him. I walked right out of that observatory, determination feeding my confidence, and then I felt cramps all over my lower back and stomach, I realized I was giving birth right there where no one would find me.

A few hours passed of me being in excruciating pain, I felt the need to push and I did. A head came out, then the arms, stomach, legs and feet. My first baby was a boy, I named him Gregory.

This happened two more times, I had twin girls, I named them Ivy and Iris.

I was sad that Cole wasn't there to see my babies, I didn't really care. He wasn't there for me when I needed him to be, so why should I give him the pleasure of holding my children? No, I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of even seeing them grow up, I'd rather raise them myself then let them have a father who doesn't care.

So with that I grabbed all three of my babies and ran to my car, we went on a road trip to Virginia where Cole would never find us. He was dead to me now, he couldn't win back my forgiveness ever again.

And so goes the story of how I left California, my husband and an old life that I will never, ever want back. Because I have my children and that's all that matters to me


*Authors note*
Hey guys sorry for not updating sooner, I've just been really busy with school and my boyfriend leaving me, and also my best friend confessing that he had a lifelong crush on me. But anyways that was the end of Cole Sprouse My Hero hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you all for the support you've showed me <3

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