Chapter 5: The Future

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The first time Louis ever met Simon Cowell, he was auditioning for a minor role on a new BBC show about a college football team. The producers were considering him for the part of a closeted goalie, and Simon, one of the directors, had pulled him aside after delivering the news that he hadn't gotten the part.

He said, "Louis how old are you?" Louis told him. "And you want to be an actor?" Louis said yes. "And how is that going for you?" It wasn't going well. "Where are you living, currently?" On his friend's couch. "Would you like to make some quick money?"

His rent was due, and his sisters were about to start school, and his mum was working double shifts nearly every day. "Yes. Yes I would like that very much."

"Come to this address, please, tomorrow, and I'll give you the details. Of course this is in no way binding - you are free, at any time, to turn it down."

Louis found this very odd until he showed up the next day to the lobby of Cowell Productions, and was immediately confronted with a life-size advert for a film called Batman in Robin, emblazoned with a photo of two naked men.

Simon greeted him, patting Louis's shoulder when he noticed his mortified expression. "Not what you were expecting?"

"Not quite," Louis squeaked, allowing Simon to usher him gently into his office.

"Here," Simon offered, pushing a manila folder across his desk to Louis. "The script for the first film I'd like to cast you in. When you read it, pay close attention to Tom -- that's you. And see that yellow sheet behind the script? Pull it out, if you would."

Louis takes out the sheet, eyes widening dramatically as soon as he begins reading. "$2000?"

Simon nods. "Starting rate. And if you end up doing it and signing on with us, it'll go up. Once you establish a fan base, it'll go up even more."

Louis just stares at the sheet of paper.

"Louis, I'm going to be rather blunt: are you gay?"

Louis just nods, pink-cheeked.

"And you're over 18, right?"

"I'm 19."

"Good. Very, very good. Now you still look like a deer in headlights, so how about this -- I'll give you a week to decide? I've been trying to cast this part for weeks and there was just no one right for the job. I have about twenty-five models on my staff, but only about 12 of them work regularly, and I could really, really use a fresh face. Porn could always use a fresh face, to be honest. And I'll be frank with you, Louis: you would be absolutely perfect. You're gay -- which, you'd be surprised, but a lot of gay porn stars are straight, and that can be quite a challenge to work with sometimes -- you're very pretty, you're young, you're a good actor -- at least from what I saw in that BBC audition -- and you've got a bum that could make my company a fortune."

"Um. Thank you?" Louis says weakly.

"You're welcome. Now how long is your dick?" Simon asks bluntly.

"It's...about 6 inches?"

"Is it thick?"

Louis blushes. "I would say so."

"Alright, love, how about this: in a week, or less if it takes you less time, call me with your decision. Take that folder with you, it's got all the information you could need. If it's a yes, you come in, we'll do a test shoot. That means I get you in front of a camera, get you comfortable being naked on film, and I'll probably have you do a solo shoot, which means you get yourself off, and I film you. If it works, we move forward from there. If not, we'll let you go. And if you're not interested at all, that's fine as well. Though I'm really hoping you'll say yes. I have a feeling you could be extremely successful."

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