Chapter 2:"What now?"

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Caylan's POV:

Ok so I learned I am gifted a day ago and I still can't process this and the weird fox spirit thing that we learnt was named Zenko hasn't come back yet. Cameron is fine with this he even started using his power in the house. I had to stop him twice because mom and dad was in the room when he was about to use his ice power that he unlocked the day before. We went to school like normal and we were at our garage waiting on our mom to come down so we can go. "Hey Cameron, do you feel like someone is watching us?" Cameron looked at me with one eyebrow raised, "No why?" I hesitated to answer,"Well don't laugh at me but I feel like someone has been following me and watching me since yesterday." Cameron looked at me with wide eye's  and then immediately started laughing,"Hey, it's not funny I am being serious!" I said with a serious tone."Sorry but you have to admit that it is quiet funny. But in serious talk it is perfectly natural to feel paranoid after what happened yesterday," Cameron said trying not to laugh at me. We were interrupted by our mom opening the garage,"Let's go guy's or we'll be late." We all got in the car and drove to school.

~ Time skip to school ~

When we got there we said good bye to our mom and started walking towards the gate. While I was walking I felt a presence come up right behind me. It took me a second to realise that time  had stopped and there was a barrier around me. The figure had a large amount of magic power. All I could think was how do I get out of this? 'Should I attack him or should I defen-,' the figure cut me out of my thoughts as it spoke in my right ear and holding my right hand and holding my waist with it's left hand. "You are very interesting specimen. You are one of the only people who have actually sense my presents. It's actually really rare of  me to come out of my position and interact with the person I am suppose to be-" the figure was cut off by flames burning his hands,"WHY THE FUCK  DID YOU DO THAT FOR!" said the strang figure behind me. I turn around and I was met with a black haired, red eyed boy. He look one, two years older then me not quite sure after examining the guy I quickly said,"Well if a complete stranger grab's you what would you do!" I said to the boy with an angry expression. He didn't answer back it looks like he was trying to think of the right word's to say but couldn't get it. This gave me a chance to look at him properly he had pointy ears like a devil in an anime, but the shocking thing is that he is wearing my school's uniform,"Hey devil boy, why are you wearing my school's uniform? I have never seen you at school befor and I know for a fact that our school doesn't have gifted people other then Cameron and I. So you are either here to eliminate my brother and I or you are here to watch us like the weird fox." The man looked shocked like he didn't expect me to say that, but after a minute he grinned and laughed a little,"WHAT'S SO FUNNY!" I asked with anger in my voice,"Oh nothing I was just surprised that someone as beautiful as yourself is so smart as to think of that in so little tim-," he got cut of by me geting overly exited and  screeming,"Wait I WAS RIGHT, OH YEAH finally years of watching anime has finally paid off!" Caylan said with stars around her,"Wait....What?" the devil boy said," so you mean to tell me that you guessed everything and you wouldn't have known anything if I didn't tell u know!" the devil boy asked with in an angry tone with  his right thumb and index fingers pinching his nose." Maybe......" said Caylan with sweat drip's down her face. The devil boy walked back and forward as an attempt to calm down but he just started speaking a different language,"What are you saying?" Caylan asked scared and curious at the same time,"It's the anshent language of none'yah." "What is none'yah?" Caylan asked,"none'yah business." Caylan glerd at him trying not to laugh. The devil  smirked at her like he has just beaten me at a game. Soon after that Caylan just started laughing non-stop, the devil boy was taken aback it caught the devil boy by surprise. When Caylan finally stopped laughing she asked,"So what's your name devil boy." The boy didn't answer."Hey did you hear me devil boy!" Caylan shouted at the devil boy,"WHO YOU CALLING DEVIL BOY HUH?!" "YOU, YOU IDIOTS BECAUSE YOU WON'T GIVE ME YOUR NAME!" The boy hesitated to answer her but said in an annoyed tone with a slite blush on his face,"My name's Mike!"

Mike's POV:

In all his life no one has ever laughed at what he said before, well  lots of people have laughed at him for many other reasons but never like out of joy all he was thinking was 'why is she laughing at me? Did I say something funny? Why do I have to look after someone so weird? Why does she look so cute when she smi-WHAT AM I THINKING I WASN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO GET CAUGHT! I WAS TO STAY ON STANDBY IN CASE SOMETHING HAPPENED TO THE TWINS GOT IN TROUBLE AND WHAT DID I DO GET CAUGHT  BY THIS WEIRDO OF ALL PEOPLE!' Mike was thinking to himself. He was so busy thinking that he didn't notice that Caylan asked a question, but he heard one part in particular ".......Devil boy....." that pissed him off so much that he screamed at her,"WHO YOU CALLING DEVIL BOY?!" "YOU YOU IDIOTS BECAUSE YOU WON'T GIVE ME YOUR NAME!" Mike didn't expect her to ask that question. He know that he would get in trouble if he gave her any information at all even information about himself, but something about her just made him want to talk to her. So he did just that,"My name's Mike." "Mine is Caylan." she said while holding out her hand."I knew that already." Mike said that very bluntly while shaking her hand."How did you already know my name? Did Zenko send you? Were you send to protect Cameron and I? Did we do something wrong? Or is this about the tes-" Mike cut her off by placing his index finger on her lips and coming in close to her face and saying,"All your question will be answered in due time. You have to be patient my little dragon cub." Caylan was blushing so hard, but soon losed it and it was replaced with a smirk and she leaned in closer to Mike that she is now speaking in his ear,"I don't belong to anyone. And don't forget that this Dragon has claws" she said in his ear. He looked away with an obvious blush on his face." you la-later then!" He said while turning around. He was about to leave through a magic portal but was stopped by a hand holding his arm."You can't just leave! If you can't answer my question's then at least tell me how to get out of here." He looked at her and laughed a little,"What's so funny devil boy!" he looked at her with a small smile,"Don't worry about that, everything will go back to normal wine's I leave." He then turned around and opened a portal. As he was leaving he heard Caylan shout at the top of her lungs,"HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN DEVIL BOY!" then Mike yelled back,"Don't call me that idiot!" then he left. In seconds Mike returned to his large mansion in his large bedroom."Well I have to tell Zenko that I blew my cover he is not going to be so happy when he hears this." Mike said this while going to his bed and plopping on his back on the bed.'Caylan.....she is the only person that I have met that has talked so rudely and sassy to me. Usually people would give me blunt answer or just not answer me out of fear, but her, she is not afraid to talk to me and she treat's me like I am just a child her age. Man! Why am I  thinking so much about her! Zenko was right she is interesting.'

Caylan's POV:

'Something tell's me that I will be seeing a lot's of him from now on' When devil b-I mean Mike left the barrier disappeared and it was like nothing happened. Caylan went to school wondering if she could become friends with the devil boy. Who know what can happen at this point. After meeting a kind nice-ish devil boy what can possibly go wrong now.

Oh how I was so wrong

(1557 works)⚠😢😁😧

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