Chapter One

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Total Word Count: 2,110

Sorry, this is later than I wanted to publish it. In my defense, I forgot it was Friday. Enjoy!

Trigger warnings are always applied, read at your own risk!

It took the cops three days to find Henry's dead family, it took Captain Man a week. Henry rolled his eyes and blocked Ray's number for the hundredth time. He didn't know how the superhero got a hold of his burner phone but Henry had Ray's number memorized so he knew when to ignore it. Henry grew more into his Phoenix persona by the day, soon anything and everything reminding himself of Kid Danger was completely gone, replaced by the flame in his heart as he thirsts for revenge against the man who killed his family. Half-way through his patrol on the crisp, cold Friday night he found himself perched on the top of Mount. Swellview. Usually, he'd avoid places like this, the places that held a lot of painful memories from his time as Kid Danger.

"Who are you?" Someone asked from behind him, Henry jumped then quickly turned around and pulled out a gun as he aimed it at the person's head. "Woah, relax dude I just asked a question." Henry hesitated then to his surprise the Wall Dog Veronica stepped out of the shadows. Though he relaxed his grip slightly Phoenix kept the gun aimed at the girl.

"What's it to you?" Henry asked, in response, Veronica chuckled then threw a wild punch. Henry shot his gun, but he missed Veronica and the bullet went straight through the W. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it to force him to drop the gun at their feet.

"I know all the players in the city, but you're new." Henry wretched his wrist out of her grasp then dropped to the floor and slid his leg at her shins aiming to take her out from behind. She backflipped away from him onto a flat rock. Henry grabbed her feet once she landed and pulled her down from the rock pile. When she stood up she had a couple of scratches from the rock littering her face. Henry ducked backward to avoid another hit she threw then he grabbed her arm and flipped her onto her back. While Veronica was in the air Henry pulled his backup knife from his boot and held it to her throat slightly breaking the skin.

"I don't play well with others," Henry said. Veronica smirked which confused Henry so he asked, "what's so funny? I've got a knife to your throat." She pulled her feet to her chest and kicked at his ribs forcing him to release his grip on her. Once they were both far enough away so they couldn't hit each other she said,

"I know you're Kid Danger." Henry flinched then shook his head,

"No, I'm not." Veronica rolled her eyes then crossed her arms,

"Kid, if you really changed your stripes you wouldn't have let me survive." Henry nodded finding himself agreeing with her,

"you're right, but just because I'm no longer wearing my color-coded superhero costume doesn't mean I'm evil." Veronica shrugged,

"point. So what's next for you?" Henry thought for a few minutes then slowly took off his mask,

"I have to start trusting people, there's no way I'd be able to do this myself," Veronica looked floored. If she really did know of other Vigilantes then she knew how important keeping their identities a secret was.

"Are you sure?" She asked, Henry, hesitated for a split second then nodded.

"I'm Henry, AKA Phoenix." Veronica smiled then hugged him,

"I'm glad you can finally trust me, Henry. Can I ask, what happened?" Henry felt his eyes darken at the reminder of his family's murders.

"Just something bad." Veronica nodded, she knew whatever happened that made Henry swap Kid Danger for Phoenix is probably something she'd be better off not knowing. "First things first, I have to kill Kid Danger publicly so Captain Man knows I'm never going back to him." Veronica frowned then her eyes lit up as if she has an idea. "What?" She grinned then answered his question,

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