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Wooyoung pov

The light that came through the curtains woke me up. I began to move a little but noticed that my pillow was not as soft as I remembered. Then my pillow started to move too. I opened my eyes and saw that I was sleeping on San's chest.
San looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning beautiful."
"Good morning to you too, Sannie." I gave him a little peck on the lips. I heard my phone buzz so I sat up and looked at it.


Hey Wooyoung.
Did you know that one of my friend will make this party at his place on Friday night?
He said that I can invite some of my friends too and I was wondering if you could come?


Sounds fun. Why not.
What time will it start?


It starts around 19:00 to God knows how long.
So you will come?
Oh and could you tell this to San too.
He can come too if he want.


Yes. I'm going.
Not sure about San but I think he will come too.


Okay then. See you guys on Friday.

I put away my phone then turned to San.
"Hey San."
"One of Mingis friend will make a party on Friday. He said we could go too. What do you think?"
"It doesn't sound bad. We can go, If you want to."
"Okay then." I smiled.

"we should get up now, San. You have to go to work." I got out of the bed and dragged San out of  it too. 
"Ugh but I don't want to. Let's cuddle a little more." He said and he pulled me into the bed. He then hugged me really tight.
"San let go! I can't breathe." I tried to get out of his hold but failed. He began to give me soft kisses on my cheek and neck which made me giggle.
"Okay, let's go then." San said as he finally let go of me and headed into the bathroom. I heard him turn on the shower as I left the room to go in the kitchen. I saw Jongho sitting at the table looking at his phone with a huge grin.

"Good morning Jongho. You look really happy today. Did something nice happened?"
"Good morning Wooyoung. Ah it's nothing." He blushed and I just smiled. He's hiding something but I won't push him.

I heard San come in the kitchen.
"Ready to go?" I asked. And he just nodded. I said goodbye to Jongho and then we headed out. I didn't go to the coffee shop with San because I had to go home. At home I took a shower too and put on some clean clothes. After I was done I went to the coffee shop because I had nothing better to do.

When I entered I saw that San was laughing with another guy. I walked up to them.
"Hi San." I smiled at him. I looked at the blonde male and greeted him too.
"Hi Youngie." San smiled back. "This is Seonghwa. We went to the same high school, he's one of my best friend." He explained.
"Nice to meet you Seongwha. I'm Wooyoung."
"Nice to meet you too." He shacked my hand with a small smile on his face.

"We were just talking about the party on Friday. You never told me Wooyoung that Seonghwa is the one making the party." San said as he looked at me.

"Well Mingi invited me and he never told me who is making it he just told me that its  one of his friend." I explained and San nodded.

"Oh so you are one of Mingi's friend?" Seonghwa asked. I nodded.

"Anyway.  I have to go back to work or else Hongjoong Hyung will be mad." San said. We said our goodbyes and Seonghwa left too, I then remembered why I came here in the first place.

I walked up to Hongjoong Hyung's office and knocked on his door. I heard a quiet come in and opened the door.

"Aah Wooyoung. I wasnt expecting to see you here. What brought you here?" he asked.

"Nothing really I just wanted to talk because we havent done that in a while. I guess I just missed hanging out with you Hyung." I finished explaining and he smiled.

"Why wont you sit down then?" he asked as he pointed to a chair. I nodded and sat down there.

"So anithing nice happened to you lately? " Hongjoong asked and he wiggled his eyebrows which nearly made me laugh out loud.

"What was that eyebrows wiggling Hyung?" I laughed a little.

"Oh come on dont change the topic and you now what I mean. Im not blinde Wooyoung. I see the way you and San look at each other." My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks heat up. This made Hongjoong laughe.

"So?" He asked.

"We are toghether." Hongjoong looked really surprised then he looked hurt.

"Really? You never told me thought. When did it happen?" He looked sad for some reason.

He wasnt happy for me and San? But why?

"We have been toghether for over a month now I think." He just nodded. I looked at him with a questioning look. I was confused. He was so happy a few minutes ago but as we began to speak about San he became so sad and hurt. Whats wrong with him?

"Is everything okay Hyung? You look so down. Did I say something?" He looked at me in the eyes then looked at the floor. 

"No, don't worry about me. It's nothing."

"But Hyung."

"I said its nothing. Dont worry, I'm fine." He said with a little angry and annoyed tone. I nodded and got up from the chair.

"I should go now. Bye Hyung.." I trailed off. He didnt even look at me when he said a quiet bye to me. It made me feel very sad. I did something , but I didnt know what.

After that little conversation with Hongjoong I went home .

What did I say that made Hongjoong so upset? Maybe he doesnt like San? I'm confused..



I'm not dead. Sorry for not updating  for a while, but my tablet died and I cant use wattpad now.

Right now I'm on my mothers laptop so sorry for any spelling mistakes.

I will try to update as much as I can but school is a bitch and all so yeah.

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter.

Have a nice day!!

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