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Here are some tips you can use in case the username is taken :)

You can write it how it sounds.
ex: chocolate ➞ choklit
       aleena ➞ uhleenah

Place periods between syllables or first/last letters
ex: ro.ses, e.lectric, melanchol.y

Double the first or last letter
ex: melancholyy, aamethyst

Or double it with a period
ex: melancholy.y, a.amethyst

Add s, ss or .s at the end
ex: blossom.s, oceanblues, colorss

Add - or _ at the beginning/end
ex: -green / green- or _green / green_

Remove the vowels, or as many as possible
ex: carrousel ➞ crrsel

Use letter alternatives. For example, replace:

a for x, c

c for k, s (depends on how its used)

e for c, x

k for c, ck, que (ex. milk➞milque)

g for q

u for v, x

i for l, x, j

o for c, x

ck for cc, kk, c, k

it takes out a little of the original username, but if in desperate situations you can always add any letter at the beggining/end. (vowels recommended)
ex: plum ➞ aplum
loonstey ➞ eloonstey

may update this in the future

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