BTS Dressing Up As Girls

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S/N: Saw this on a website. NOT MINE. :)

BTS for IZE [Interview] - “This is just the beginning fo us” [140501]

You really had to be professionals to dress up as girls on SBS MTV <Rookie King>

Rapmon: Ah…there are still pictures of me dressed up as Sailor Moon floating around.

Jungkook: But he really was like a girl. He was sexy.

V: I’m traumatized that I had to dress up as a ladybug fairy. I think Sailor Moon was better than that. Or maybe Rapunzel?

Suga: I was shocked because I really didn’t want to dress up as a maid. It was even harder because I could not understand why fans would want to see that. We don’t want to see girls dressing up as guys, so why do they like to see us dress up as girls?

Jimin: I saw everyone become very flustered after seeing themselves, but I think I would be pretty as a girl. Once, at a school festival, I wore a traditional girl’s dress and won first place. But that doesn’t mean I want to dress up as a girl. Really.

Suga: There’s going to be news that says “BTS’ Jimin likes dressing up as a girl”



UmHahaha! Laftreep 'to! XDDDD



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