X: A Place We Belong

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[A/N] Map of Calypso Key:
• Red: Palais Royal
Orange: Library
• Yellow-Orange: Calypso Hospital
• Yellow: Henry's Apartment Building
• Light Green: Market
• Dark Green: Calypso Square
• Light Blue: [redacted] (I accidentally added the light blue mark and am too lazy to retake and edit the pic)
• Dark Blue: Calypso Elementary
• Blue-Grey: Obsidian Middle
• Purple: Lieseil High
• Red-Violet: Calypso Police Department
• Pink: Record Store


While Andrew was in the hospital, Sebastian, Emerson and I finished fixing up his room. We had finally gotten a mattress for him too.

The day he was discharged, the Royal Council went to pick him up. A few officers escorted us into the room as a precaution since we told them he was one of the 43.

Going in, we saw Andrew wide awake and a little nervous. One officer began to make their way to him, handcuffs at the ready.

"Wait," Seb said, "We won't need those."

With a confused look, they watched as Em and I helped him through a portal that led into the Palais.

Seb spoke with the officers momentarily and stepped through once they had all left the room.

"Mom! We're home!" I cried as soon as the portal closed.

She came rushing over to greet us.

"Glad you're back home!" Directing her comment to Andrew, "Your brothers fixed up your room while you were recovering. You don't have to stay in Sebastian's room anymore."

He nodded, starting slowly towards the stairs. Emerson stopped him and opened a portal into his room.

"It'll be a while before you can go up and down stairs on your own."

Stepping through, I saw that he was amazed.

There were actual pieces of furniture inside, the boarded-up window had sufficient light coming through that lit up the whole room. The room gave off a starkly different vibe than his 'room' back at Henry's. He finally had a place that felt like home, a place to seek refuge and solace in.

"Thanks guys," he smiled, making his way to the bed. He sat down carefully and there was a sense of euphoria about him.

"We'll leave you to familiarize yourself with the new layout," Mom said, ushering the rest of us out of Andrew's room.

Over the weekend, we came up with a strange plan to help get him to and from school safely.

Em and I would walk to school first and go into the boys' bathroom. I would lock the large stall from the inside, morph into something small and get to the outside. Emerson would then open a portal to get Andrew and Sebastian into the school.

Fast forward to Monday, the plan worked flawlessly, since no one had entered while we enacted it.

The day went by easily, but as we headed back to send them back home, we were stopped by a voice.

"Hey guys!"

It was Larisa, Shy, Kara and Natalie.

"Hey," Seb answered back, mostly directing it towards Larisa.

"Andrew! How's your first day back? How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing pretty good, I'm just glad you're all okay."

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