Chapter 4

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Where to next?

Throughout my 3 weeks of exam break, I drowned myself in revision. It was draining but I really needed to keep up my 3.8 GPA or else I have to say sayonara to my scholarship. As much as I was revising diligently, I went to work everyday and helped out Emma in her shop. Working there made me relaxed as Emma did not give me a lot of work and I felt like I was in my element. She was even kind enough to buy me coffee when I came for morning shifts.

"Don't stress over exams so hard. I know you got this" She winked as she passed me a cup of cappuccino.

True to what she said, exams were not as bad and terrible as I pictured it to be. I felt that all my hard work and sleepless night had paid off. On the last day of exams I was excited to be out and done with school. The moment the bell rang, I was the first few out of school and I ran like a mad woman back home with a grin plastered across my across. The moment I entered my house, I chucked my shoes aside, hung my coat on the coat hanger and went to my room. The moment I sat on the bed, all I remembered was resting my head on the pillows and next I completely dozed off. 

I usually have a dreamless sleep. However on the rare occasions I dream, they are really bad nightmares. I will always wake up with a cold sweat. There will always be this constant figure that repetitively appears and haunts me. A faceless man would chase me in those dreams. I will run as far and as fast as possible but he always catches up to me and kills me in brutal ways each time. 

Today nonetheless, I had a dream. Initially it did not start off as a nightmare like I expected. I was in a forest filled with greenery. There was so much life everywhere. The trees were enormous and they were so tall that when I looked up, I could never see the end. The birds with huge wings that were perched on the branches were singing a melodious music. Other animals there were moving about in tune to the beautiful melody. There were some animals that looked like deer drinking by the lake. Their antlers were so huge and beautiful, it made them look majestic. Rabbits that looked like hamsters were running around the bushes. The forest floor was covered in moss. Walking through the soft moss felt like I was walking on clouds. The environment was slightly dark due to the tall trees blocking the sunlight.

 The environment was slightly dark due to the tall trees blocking the sunlight

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I could feel the energy of the surrounding at the tip of my fingers. It felt like I was part of the forest. Brushing my hands on the bark of the huge trees, I could feel it's energy pulsing beneath my palms. I ventured deep into the forest. The scenery changed ever so slightly from green to red. There was a huge area filled with roses and it stretched for miles. They were all blood red roses. Walking through the field of roses, I saw people's names written below each rose. It looked more and more like a grave. How could there be so many people's grave here? 

There was one particular rose that had the name Clara under it. It was so ironic for me to see my own name under the rose. I touched the soft petals of the rose. Instantly, I was sucked into a vortex and placed into another reality. There was a battle going on between many and there was carnage everywhere. People were murdering and dying violently. A man wearing a silver coloured shield walked near where I was. His long blonde hair was elaborately tied up and a few strands escaped from the intricate braids and kissed his forehead. He started moving his hands up in the air and a black coloured mist surrounded his finger tips. His irises turned from blue to charcoal black. The black did not only cover his iris but his entire eyes. He resembled more of a demon waiting to catch his prey. That very minute, black coloured icicles were shot up from the ground and impaled a man not so far away from us. The icicles ripped the mans body into 2 and threw it aside. I gasped in horror. What is going on?  The man who conjured the icicles gave a maniac laughter as the mist slowly disappeared from his hands and his eyes turned back to their original colour.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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