Unfair Fight (Fighting!AU - fluff)[Choi Jongho]

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"Keep your chin tucked in. This is the third time I'm reminding you of this, you know."

At the serious, familiar voice, your snap out of your thoughts, rushing to comply and lowering your head in frantic apology. Of course, you're embarrassing yourself in front of him again, and for the twelfth time this week! Internally smacking yourself in the head, you wince and apologise to your instructor.


Jongho lowers the focus mitt with a sigh, shaking his head at you. He doesn't need to say it, but you know he's disappointed in you. "You've been distracted lately. What's your problem?"

Jongho's words are gruff, but you can sense the underlying concern in his voice. Smiling a little awkwardly, you let your hands fall to your side as you take in your problem with a sigh.

Yeah well, your problem is Jongho.

Not in the way most would expect, of course. Your boyfriend is friendly, kind and an absolute sweetheart to be around with. For someone who's a mere year younger than you, he radiates maturity and never fails to take care and protect you from any sort of harm... but that's only outside the boxing ring.

Inside the boxing ring, he turns into an absolute monster. Sweat dripping from temples and running down his neck, hair plastered to his forehead and that intense, sharp gaze focused just on you?

It's no wonder you get distracted so easily.

"You know what the punishment is for losing your focus in the ring." Jongho chides, slipping the focus mitt off his hand. At his words, you immediately yank yourself out of any thoughts involving a sleeveless Jongho and yelp in fear.

"I didn't come here to get a concussion! I came here to learn how to throw a punch, Jongho-ah-"

You also came to see him sleeveless and sweaty, but you don't think it's the best time to tell him that.


"Ow!" You howl in pain as Jongho levels his finger smugly at you, feeling a painful throb against your forehead. "I can't believe you did that to me, you little shit-"

"I went easy on you, alright?" Your boyfriend snickers, lowering his arm. But then his gaze turns serious and he lifts your chin with a finger even as you scowl at him with your hands rubbing at your forehead. You know he's telling the truth, you've seen with your own eyes how Jongho flicks the other members... the physical wounds may heal, but the psychological trauma will always remain in their hearts... and in yours, for that matter.

"You said you wanted to learn how to fight, am I right?" Jongho tells you earnestly, slipping the focus mitt back on. You nod hesitantly, recalling the conversation the two of you had had earlier this year. You had told him you'd wanted to learn to protect yourself.

As much as Jongho loved being the one who you relied on, he knew it was more practical to teach you the basics of self defense, in case a day came that he couldn't be there for you when you needed him. Hence, the boxing lessons, even though you aren't sure if they help much...

Jongho's much too distracting.

"If you had gotten distracted in a fight with an actual opponent, that would have ended out a lot worse than a finger flick to the forehead." Jongho taps your forehead and you pout, pushing his hand away, but you know his words ring true. With a sigh, you decide to try your best to focus on fighting Jongho this time instead of just ogling his arms.

Your boyfriend must see the change in focus in your eyes, because he nods approvingly and raises the mitt. "Imagine that I'm a creep who's coming at you. Try your best to take me down."

You get into fighting stance, bouncing on your toes lightly. His form is textbook perfect for fighting, overwhelming strength in every limb. There's no way you could beat him in a match, but hopefully Jongho goes easy on you like he has with your other sparring sessions. With a sigh, you move forward, aiming to tackle him to the ground.

Your arms lock around his and the two of you wrestle for a moment. To your exasperation, Jongho is barely using any strength at all, merely employing the slightest of efforts to keep himself from being thrown to the ground. Honestly, if you want to beat him before he gets bored and sits on top of you, you need to think of a strategy.

Glancing up, you spot his face hovering just inches from yours, eyebrows scrunched in concentration as he thinks of advice to give you.

So you lean up and kiss him on the mouth.

You know you're not playing fair, that you're not playing by the rules. You're clearly capitalizing on the fact that the two of you haven't been dating long, that Jongho is still remarkably shy with showing you physical affection, that you know he can't help but lose all brain function and coordination when you touch him.

But hey, it works.

As expected, Jongho makes a small choking sound, blinking furiously in shock as he struggles to regain his focus and in that momentary lapse in concentration, you kick his feet out from underneath him, straddle him and pin him to the ground, all in one smooth move.

You can feel his chest heaving underneath yours.

Looking down at him, you can't help but grin at his flushed cheeks, leaning down to peck him on the forehead. "So... how was that for losing focus, mister ' I can give you a concussion with a finger flick'?"

Jongho groans and throws his arms over his eyes, clearly embarrassed at having lost to such a cheap trick, but you can see the fond smile playing on his lips. "You just don't play fair, do you?"

"Not in the least." You lie on top of him with a giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing the top of his nose. "But you love it."

"Yeah, I do. But don't go kissing your opponents like that, okay?" A smile breaks through your boyfriend's expression and he simply laughs at himself, pulling you closer. You snuggle up on his chest, the two of you sticky from the workout earlier, but you just want to stay here with him, building more memories together. Jongho kisses your cheek with a smile as you bury your face in his neck.

"You can only play unfair with me."

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