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Roxanne took deep breaths, silently counting off how many times she'd seen her stalker. He had followed her for hours, and she had tried her best to get rid of him by making sharp turns around alleys or hiding in dark corners. But he never stopped. Roxanne peeked around the corner of the wall she was ducking behind to check if the man was still there. She nearly leaped out of her skin when she heard a loud clatter behind her. Whipping around, she almost laughed out loud when she saw that it was only a cat who had knocked over a garbage can. It was pure black, with small accents of white around its muzzle and paws. The tomcat hissed at Roxanne and jumped to the top of the wall, shooting a final angry glance at her before disappearing over the other side.

Little did she know that her stalker had used this distraction to come up behind her. When Roxanne turned back around, she gasped in fear when she saw the man looming over her. She immediately wished that her brother was here to help her, but then again, she could almost hear his "I-told-you-so" tone. John had remained behind at their makeshift shelter to keep an eye out for cops; they had stolen clothes at a nearby grocery store only two days ago. They needed it, and they escaped with only a couple seconds to spare before the police had shown up.

"What do you want with me?" Roxanne hissed, taking a fearful step back from the man. He didn't reply, only stepped forwards in return. Roxanne quickly scanned the area for an escape route. It was a dead end, and the wall was fairly high—too high to jump over. Though she could use the trash can that cat had knocked over to trip the man.

Almost as if on instinct, Roxanne bolted for the wall, waiting until her stalker was a few inches away before stepping aside and letting him run into the wall. She didn't waste time, and ran for the open passage to the streets. She could hear the man trip over the trash can behind her, internally squealing with relief.

Roxanne kept running, only stopping fifteen minutes later to ensure that she wasn't being followed anymore. Then she made a detour and made her way to her and her brother's hideout. Along the way, she avoided the curious glances of people she walked past. It was probably the way she looked. She was unusually skinny due to her slim portions of food she scrounged up, and her new clothes were already stained with mud and dirt, maybe even blood. She hadn't had a good meal since she was three, when her parents were still alive. They had died in a car accident, sliding off the country roads due to the rain-slick surface. Roxanne and her older brother, John, were left homeless ever since, quickly adapting to their rough lifestyle. Sure, it was horrible, but at least they had each other. Thankfully, the small town of Hurricane, Utah was small, with easy spots to hide in. It was also home to the original Freddy Fazbear's, a restaurant that Roxanne had went to a lot when she still had her parents. She used to love watching the animatronic characters perform, and to her, they seemed to be alive.

Now people were spreading rumors that the run-down restaurant was haunted, and apparently by these random kids that went missing a few years ago. Freddy's had shut down because of the bad reviews, plus the smell coming from the robots wasn't exactly pretty. Some would describe them as reanimated corpses. Soon after, a new Fazbear branch had opened, now owned by someone else. Circus Baby's Pizza World seemed so different compared to its predecessor, with new characters and new designs. Roxanne and John had visited it on its opening day because they had nothing else better to do, and they had been looking forwards to it since they heard that their favorite restaurant was getting a reboot. Luckily, their two favorite animatronics had remained, though they looked very different from the others. They were completely encased in shiny metal instead of a soft costume, and they had faceplates that would split open unexpectedly, revealing a terrifying endoskeleton. They were also recolored, Foxy was white with pink accents, and Freddy was white as well, accented with purple. Freddy had also gained a Bonnie puppet, possibly an excuse to say that the new owner kept the old animatronics' designs. But the siblings were happy with what they got. Out of curiosity, they went to observe the two new animatronics. These were more human in appearance, and a little scary to be honest. Circus Baby, the namesake of the restaurant, was a giant white clown with red hair and a matching dress. Ballora was a different story, though just as terrifying. Like the others, her main color was white. Her dress and hair were purple, along with her dancing shoes; the female animatronic was a ballerina, and the way she moved gave Roxanne shivers down her spine.

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