Chapter 1: A Demon Among Us

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Joey blinked in surprise. Was it just the ink obscuring his vision, or was Henry actually offering to give him a second chance? The Ink Demon hesitated before taking his old friend's hand to help him up. But as soon as he was back on his feet, Joey took a wary step back. The End had drained him of the Dark Ink, and the voice that was constantly listening and deceiving, too, meaning he had no defense against Henry in case he decided to finish him off.

"I can't change your mind, but you can," Henry said softly. "This isn't who you are, Joey. You're not a demon."

"You don't know that. Things have changed since you left. A lot can happen in thirty years," Joey growled. He bared his teeth when Henry went to come closer. "I've gone too far to turn back now," he continued.

"But you can do something to make up for your mistakes. Stating with—" Henry paused to gesture to the Ink Machine rebirth mechanisms, "—turning that back on. I'm sure some people would love to see the light of day again."

Henry looked past Joey to smile at something unseen. The demon was right, Joey thought. He can see the dead. Joey pressed himself against the wall closest to the door outside, running the escape routes through his mind. But if he didn't have the Dark Ink, he wouldn't be able to phase through walls like he used to. He was too weak to fight back, let alone break down an iron door that weighed a literal ton. But while he was thinking of a way to escape, his heart told him to reason with Henry. Though all the times he'd been deceived... Joey was torn between common sense and friendship.

Henry went to say more, but was interrupted by a distant call. The door to the lair opened, revealing three toons that Joey would have been more than happy to never see again.

Lind was the first to sprint into the room, embracing Henry in a giant bear hug. "You're alive," she cheered, and, if possible, squeezed Henry even harder.

But Alison and Tom on the other hand immediately were drawn to the corner Joey stood in.

"You!" Tom growled, stepping in front of Alison protectively.

"Yes, it's me. And if I were you, I wouldn't come any closer," Joey hissed back. "You know, for my first perfections, you really don't have any respect at all for your creator. Even the other mutt followed more orders than you."

"Why, you little—" Tom heaved an axe off the shoulder it was resting on.


Henry rushed in between Tom and Joey, preventing the two from fighting. When everyone was somewhat calm again, he continued, "You don't know what he's been through. Listen to his side of the story. It wasn't his fault, none of it was!"

"Sounds like a bunch of bullshit if you ask me," Tom muttered, but he let his ink-stained axe clatter to the ground nonetheless. Joey wondered why Henry flinched at the sight of the blood until he remembered that it was Sammy's.

Serves him right, betraying me that way, Joey thought bitterly. But Henry's solemn expression gave him a twinge of regret for forcing his false prophet to kill against his will.

Soon everyone in the room had their eyes laid on Joey. The Ink demon suddenly felt overwhelmed. He was about to expose his past to his enemies. But they aren't my enemies anymore, right?

"I used to be just like Henry. Just ask Sammy; He was the only one to witness my ritual," Joey began. His heart began to race with guilt. "But with my new form came a new kind of evil. That ritual brought the Dark Ink into this world. I did it for the good of the company, because living cartoons would be a breakthrough in the science industry. Not only would we be rich, be we'd be more famous even than Walt Disney."

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