Chapter 1

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Characters: Ethan, victim, dirty blonde hair, green blue eyes

                         Ryan, Bully, dark blue hair, brown eyes

                                                      + some side Characters

  It was Thursday and for Ethan it was like any other day. Get to school, go to school, get picked on, then get bullied by his enemy... Ryan. Now there was one problem with getting bullied by Ryan and it's not the bullying part, it was the fact that Ryan was the hottest and sexiest guys in the whole school. And my crush. Time to time at night I would have wet dreams about me and him. I would go to school the next day blushing and constantly thinking about it. Sometimes I would see him walking in the hallway and before he could notice me I would run into the boys bathroom to deal with my boner. Luckily today I had no wet dreams or boner problems. It was finally the end of the day and I went to my locker to get my stuff and get ready to go home when a hand slammed my locker right by my head from behind me. Just by looking at the hand I knew exactly who it was, Ryan. I slowly turned around to him. And oh my god his face, he's just so fucking hot for no reason. I looked up to him and tried so hard not to blush. I slowly asked"Umm... yes?" At first he didn't answer, but then replied "It looks like we skipped our second lesson." "What lesson?" I asked. "The one where I beat the shit out of you!" I honestly didn't feel well and had to get home before the buses left, so I didn't feel like 'learning' from Ryan at the moment. "Can we s-skip lessons today?" I stuttered. "What!" He grabbed me by the collar and added "We never skip lessons! Got it twerp?" I slowly nodded and he let go of my collar. The hallways were still filled with people so I could tell that the buses weren't leaving yet.

  No one even dared to try and protect me from Ryan because of the things that he was capable of doing. Everyone always pretended that there was never anything going n whenever he went to bully someone. He dragged me into the boys bathroom and pushed me up against a stall. I could automatically feel my boner coming along, but I tried to hold it in. He held me up and took a nice clean swing straight toward my stomach,but it didn't hurt as much as usual. He had punched me softer today. I fell to the ground with a yelp and looked down. He picked my head up and bashed it up against a stall, but again it was softer than usual. He then grabbed a chunk of my  hair and pulled me up till I was standing. He kneed me in the chest and knocked the wind out of me for a couple seconds. I gasped as hard as I could to regain my breath. I was used to all of this so it wasn't a surprise. This continued for another two minutes, but each hit was softer than usual. When Ryan was done he walked out the bathroom leaving me lying on the floor. I slowly got up in pain and walked back to my locker to finally get all my stuff. 

        I got on the bus and waited till it was my stop. When I got home I took a shower, cleaned the house, cooked for me and my mom, and went to bed. That night I had the wettest dream about me and Ryan. I woke up sweating and panting like a freak. "It.. It felt s-so real." I quietly said aloud. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to go and deal with my 'problem'. I got ready for school and headed downstairs to leave the house. I got on the bus and waited to get to school. When I got to school I prepared myself for the situations that might occur today. Today was Friday which meant I didn't have to see Ryan for two days straight, which was a good and bad thing cause you know who doesn't want to see their crush? As I walked to class I saw Ryan, which is something that never happens this early in the morning. He walked up to me and growled "Bathroom... now!" In shock I quickly replied "But I'm gonna be la-" "I said now!" I was cut off by Ryan repeating himself. With a pause in my step I turned around and we both headed to the bathroom. "It isn't time for lessons yet." I slowly said to him. "Yeah I know that dip shit, but I'm not here for lessons." he replied sternly. I raised an eyebrow and asked "okay so then what are we here for?" "I came to tell you to meet me in the bathroom before lunch, got it?" he asked then I nodded and he walked out. I immediately ran to the stall closest to me. I locked the door and sat down. I unzipped my pants and grabbed my member. I'm surprised he didn't see me getting hard as he talked to me. Like I said just by looking at him I get over whelmed. I blushed and dealt with my boner. As I was dealing with my problem I heard someone walk into the bathroom I quickly finished and walked out the stall to go wash my hands. When I walked out I realized who walked in. It was one of Ryan's friends, Pablo. 

           I washed my hands and tried to walk past Pablo when he pushed me into the paper towel dispenser. I closed my eyes in pain and Pablo said "Long time no see, four eyes." I honestly have no idea why they call me that, I don't even wear glasses. I shrugged him off and ran out of the bathroom before he could pull me back. My first four classes went by fast and it was time to goo to lunch. I packed up and went to my locker when I remember that Ryan had said to meet him in the bathroom before lunch. I hurried to pack then went to the boys bathroom. When I walked in I saw Ryan leaning up against the sink. He looked at me and said "Look I'm not one to ask for help, but I need you to do a project for me." I lit up with joy for two reasons: one I wasn't going to get my ass beat at the moment and two my crush just asked for help. Even though I was so happy I resisted smiling. I nodded and Ryan took a couple steps toward me and handed me a paper. I reached for the paper and as I grabbed it I grabbed Ryan's hand. I blushed, quickly snatched the paper and turned to read it. When I was done reading it I turned around smiled and nodded. And for the first time I saw Ryan blush. Wait was he blushing at me? Seeing this I felt get hard very quickly. Ryan walked past me and walked out.

   I, again, ran into the stall, closed the door and unzipped my pants. I grabbed my member to hurry and get everything over with when Ryan walked back into the bathroom. At that moment I realized I didn't lock the door. I reached to lock the door when Ryan pushed the door open. ¨I forgot to tell yo-.¨ he paused at the sight of me on the floor with my member out. My face got hot and Ryanś face got tomato red. He could tell that I was hard. ¨I-I can ex-explain!¨ I loudly stuttered.

 A/N: Sorry bout the cliff hanger guys (not really). But here's chapter one. See ya in chapter 2. PEACE OUT!! :D

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