Losing a Best Friend

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339 words. Kinda angsty but nothing bad.

I knew things were nearing their end the moment I rushed to you for advice, but your bagel at work today was more important. My depression was at it's peak, a tear drop running down my cheek.

Maybe you hadn't seen my message; That it got lost somewhere in your brain as you rushed to tell me something that made you happy.

As I laid alone on my bedroom floor, I wondered how your bagel tasted. My mind flickering back amd forth from the grey skies in my mind to what you might be doing.

Months had passed as the nightmare of trying to talk to you about anything became stronger. One sided conversations made me scared to tell you anything.

I think about you while I'm laying in bed at night. There was a million reasons to let you go, but one made me stay.

It was impossible to throw away our friendship, especially after eight years. How could things just come to an end like this?

Was I not funny or quirky enough? Had things changed once you got into a relationship?

How come whenever I bring it up you laugh and brush me off. How can you live knowing someone else is suffering in your shadow?

I pulled out my phone, staring at it with shaking hands. I deserved better than this, right?

It wasn't healthy for someone to use your chat as a daily journal.

Maybe one day you would understand how much this hurt me. It hurts more than you'd ever know. My best friend shouldn't be shutting me out.

You don't even know me anymore. Although I knew every detail about you. Tomorrow was going to be different.

I was going to get myself together and find new friends. And if I didnt, at least I didn't have to hear about your boring day with tear stains on my cheeks.

Tears pooled in my eyes as I typed, you were my favourite hello and my hardest goodbye.

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