chapter ten

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Adderheart and Pantherleap quickly finished their vole, and consequently, it ended up with a bit of waiting.

Due to the fact Adderheart had said they'd be waiting for Russetpelt and Marigoldcry, the other members of the patrol seemed to get a bit irritated. Adderheart had spotted Galewind sitting near the fresh-kill pile, eyes narrowed lightly at the entrance as if he was impatiently waiting for the very moment Russetpelt or Marigoldcry entered camp.

Though of course, intently watching the camp's entrance would not make either of the warriors hurry up.

However, when Marigoldcry's thick pelt slipped behind the two toms, Galewind, who was watching with a sharp gaze, leaped up. His tail whipped at Runningfoot, who had settled beside him, and the two toms padded in sync toward Marigoldcry. Behind the white-furred she-cat came Russetpelt. Both of the warriors seemed in neutral spirits.

Pantherleap's head swiveled to the two newcomers and he stood up, flicking his tail. Adderheart followed in the other tom's pawsteps, glancing to Marigoldcry and Russetpelt. Neither held prey, and neither seemed to hold the scent of borders upon their pelts.

What were they doing? He couldn't help but feel curiosity at their absence, but he pushed it away. He had to ensure that they were actually going to find rogues at the border, and if he was distracted in the middle of the investigation...

He shook his head as he turned to the two warriors. "Pantherleap and I are leading a patrol to investigate the rogue scents at the border."

The confusion that had previously been shimmering in their gazes faded away and Russetpelt gave a nod. Marigoldcry's lips seemed to purse in light irritation but the warrior turned, whisking her tail at the entrance.

"Lead the way," she offered, and Adderheart swept forward.

He cast a glance over his shoulder to see Pantherleap bringing up the back, followed by Russetpelt, then Marigoldcry, then Runningfoot, then Galewind. He was the closest to the pale-furred warrior and was going at a fairly fast past so Adderheart picked up speed.

Quickly heading around a tree and then a fallen log, the warrior's brain began to conjure up random ideas and thoughts that caused his ears to press tightly to his ears. Anxiety trickled through him.

If I lie about where we scented the rogues, would Pantherleap comment?

But if I tell the truth and nothing is there...

Cougarstar won't trust me ever again—!

All the way to the border, Adderheart's mind was clogged with the ever-present thoughts of what could happen. He could hear the constant pounding of the pawsteps of the warriors behind him, the light huffing of cats who couldn't keep up, the air rushing by him... nothing could interrupt the constant stream of thoughts trickling through his head.

He swerved around a tree, tail lashing as he sprung over a small patch of somewhat pointy pine needles.

If I keep going straight, then we'll end up somewhere close to where Pantherleap and I first scented rogues.

But if I turn left, we'll end up

"Adderheart, go straight!" Pantherleap's sharp tone cut through the soft silence of the air. Adderheart jumped once more, though this time because he'd been startled.

The warrior, instead of questioning Pantherleap's spontaneous command, just followed it, picking up his pace as he continued to race forward. A sense of something alike to calm filled him. Yet, it didn't calm him necessarily. Instead, it just allowed him to run, the feelings fading away. Now they were simply a dull ache in his mind, taking up space that he needed to keep on breathing in an even pattern.

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