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I was looking through my laptop at my old homework and found this from 2017 that I wrote for English. We had to write a story about hope, so here it is.


Hope is an optimistic attitude of mind, a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. 

It gives you the courage to achieve what you would like to achieve. 

Hope gives us wings so we can fly away from our problems and keep moving forwards to complete our ambitions in life. 

We mostly have hope at a bad time, like when we have lost a close friend or a family member.

We forget hope is also there when we are trying to aim for our best. 

This is a story of hope. 

A story of how a young girl had hoped and believed she could achieve so much more than what she had. 



I'm 'young girl' or 'scruffy kid'. 

Well, that's what they call me. 

My parents died when I was young, about 6 years old, so I can't remember my name. I live in a horrible, scruffy, dull orphanage, full of girls. When I'm older, I'm going to help other unfortunate children like me. I know I can do it; I just need hope. 

Madame Grey owns the orphanage. 

Her name really suits her. 

She acts just as dark and shady as her name. 

She 'looks after' all of us. By that I mean she makes us clean EVERYTHING. Scrubbing floors, the walls, our bed-sheets, HER bed-sheets, the curtains, the lamps, the fireplace, the tables, everything! Then all we get for it is a piece of bread! 

When I am older, I will let all of the young boys and girls who don't have a family, have lots of food. I will make them have the happy childhood that I haven't got so far. By then I will be so good at cleaning, I would be able to clean everywhere myself! 

All of the children can play outside and have fun, the opposite of what I'm getting. 

I can't wait till we leave! I'm 13 now, me and my friends Susie and Martha are planning how our dream orphanage would look. 

Well we WERE. 

Until grumpy old Madame Grey walked in and gave us the cane. 

We're used to it now. It's happened nearly every day for the past 7 years. 

When I own an orphanage I will never give anyone the cane, no matter how naughty they are (they will still get punishment, just not as cruel and painful). 

Remember how I said about our dream orphanage? Well, we finished planning it. 

The walls would be bright, friendly colours, the floors would be so shiny and clean, you would be able to see your face in it, the dining room would have a long table and delicious food (such as turkey, pie and mashed potato) everyone would have their own amazing bedroom (including me) and there would be a play area outside. 

I have the courage and hope that I can do this.

Some day when I am older, I will own an orphanage, the best, friendliest orphanage ever!

Because I have HOPE

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