The Davis Brothers

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As we got closer to the crowd surrounding the stage thw noise level rose to an impossible level as people shouted encouragement to the ones already in the stage. Violet and I were late so, of course, so when Sebastian called both of our names instead of walking out from the curtian we ran up the stairs. Sebastian sent us a look that meant he didn't appreciate us being late to such and 'important' event.

"Did you see the look on old Sebastian's face?" Violet whispered to me once we were in line.

"Yeah I did it looked like he was ready to kill us." I whispered back quickly glancing to see Violet's face was red from holding back a laugh.

"Everyone! We are here today to celebrate these magic user's next big step in life known as the Acceptance Ceremony!" Sebastian called into the crowd as two priest's I did not recognize come from the curtains. Sebastian stopped talking as the two new priests marked us eith symbols indicating our magic. Violet got a big tree and I got a summoner's circle. Once the priests were done they went and stood by Sebastian one on either side as they all linked hands.

"One human priest of war and bloodshed." Exclaimed the priest on Sebastian's left as his linked hand turner a deep red.

"One human priest of peace and prosperity." Exclaimed the priest on Sebastian's right side as his linked hand glowed a light blue.

"Finally one magic priest of the hidden realm, seperate from the humans." Sebastian exclaimed as his hands glowed a bright purple mixing with the blue and red.

"Together we make up the human and the magic realms that have been divided, but divided no longer!" All three priests yelled out and immediately a wave of energy made our markings glow. Violets mark was a deep and beautiful green while mine changed colors at all times. The crowd was silent like the priests and the people on stage the priests were the first to speak out.

"You have been accepted as part of the magic realm free to use magic whenever for the good of plants and animals but also to protect us." Sebastian stated looking each and every one of us in the eye with every word he said.

"Not like it's going to helo any Sebastian you know we have nagic resistant weapons and armor." The priest of the left snapped.

"Oh please you saw how the last waar went they would have neaten us if we hadn't used all that magic resistant stuff and you know it." The priest on the right informed rather sassily.

"Excuse me as amusing as watching this is I want to know what just happened, what your guy's names are and I want to go home. " I snapped at the priests jn front of me this whole ordeal was taking way too long.

Sebastian looked over to me, a surprised look on his face but as he opener hos mouth to say something the priest on the left cut him off.

"I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Aaron Parker I'm a human priest along with Cameron Nash over there." Aaron informed me making a head movement at Cameron who just glared at me.

"As to what just happened your powers that had been locked up since you were born have finally been released." This time Cameron was the one to speak up still glaring daggers at me in which I returned. A look of surprise crossed his face but it was gone as quickly as it had come, replaced by a harder glare and a scowl. I smirked, happy I could get on his nerves so easily, he noticed and stormed off.

"Aspen!" Sebastian yelled his face so red with anger and I almost laughed at how ridiculous he looked.

"Yes?" I asked the smile never leaving my face as I heard Violet stifle a laugh behind me. Sebastian rubbed his head in frustration before turning to Aaron.

"Aaron let's go after Cameron and calm him down." Sebastian sighed as he turned to me, "Aspen you can go home now." Sebastian seethed as he walked away with Aaron at his heels who had a slight smile on his face. Once they were out of earshot Violet and I started laughing, hard.

"Did you hear the way he said your name? It was like poison in his mouth." Violet strugged to say as she gasped for air.

"I know but did you see the way he looked at me? If looks could kill I'd be so dead." I replied wiping my eyes but on the word 'dead' Violet stiffened.

"Vi you know I didn't mean it like that." I whispered keeping my eyes down. Violet gave me a pained smile but didn't say anything back to me as her eyes dulled.

"Aspen!" I heard someone yell and I lifted my head to see who called me and there in front of the crowd was Ezra Davis.

"Ez!" I yelled and ran down the stairs of the stage to give him a bone crushing hug.

"Where have you been? How have you been? Where's Jackson?" I asked looking around the crowd to try and find Ezra's brother. Ezra simply rolled his eyes at my series of questions.

"Jackson should meet me here in about a minute, I've been fine so has Jackson and we were touring the human lands seeing and studying you know?" Ezra explained answering all my questions. I looked at him and took in his appearance. Ezra still had the tone between pale and tan but he grew taller and a bit more muscular but his straight dirty blonde hair and brown eyes were still the same.

"Hi Ezi." I jumped at the sound of Violet's voice unaware that she moved from the stage.

"Hey Vi you still as annoying as ever?" Ez asked as I rolled my eyes and Violet laughed as she punched Ezra.

"Hey! Vi that's my brother you just hit. " Jackson exclaimed, making an appearance. He stood next to his brother with a smirk as I watched Violet's face turn red. I made eye contact with Ezra and we both smiled at eachother.

"So Jack you changed a lot." I noted as I saw just how much he had changed. His normally dark brown eyes were now onyx and his dark brown wavy hair was much longer now. Jackson laughed nervously scratching the back if his neck nervously.

"Is that or a good or a bad thing Aspen?" Jackson asked, forcing a laugh and I glanced at Vi.

"Not for one of us here." I winked at Vi who quickly turned more red and looked away. This immediately got Jackson's attention.

"Uh, flower? Are you okay?" Jackson asked Violet as Ezra and I had to suppress a laugh at the nickname Jackson gave Vi.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine I'm gonna just go over here." Violet stuttered quickly walking away. Jackson gave me a 'what the heck look' that I just shurgged my shoulders at. Oh did i mention? Ezra and Jackson are both questioning their sexuality.

"So Aspen any love interests of yours?" Ezra asked wiggling his eyebrows at me I was about to answer but got cut off whena certain person slung his arm over my shoulders.

"Yeah she does, me obviously." Eric said glaring at Ezra I just shook his arm off and walked to stand by Jackson who looked like he was about to blow. At that moment Eric decided to finally notice Jackson but once he saw the look Jackson was giving him he ran away.

Ezra and I burst into laughter as Jackson just glared at the corner Eric had disappeared around. Once I gathed my composure I patted Jackson on the back.

"Down boy the rodent is gone." I told Jackson who was obviously still irritated.

"Yeah good thing he is or I would have showed him to never do that to any of my friends." Jackson seethed through clenched teeth.

"Then looks like she won't be able to leave your side big guy." Ezra said slinging his arm over his brothers shoulders as both Jackson and I rolled our eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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