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The next day, Jake had expected to wake up to the sight of the chipping paint on his ceiling. To hear his mum stumble out of the house to start her six AM shift and to listen to the sound of the neighbours' radio, which always seemed to be blaring. What he was met with instead, was silence and a somehwat smoke-stained ceiling and black curtains in his face. This wasn't his house.
Fear gripped at his throat. Had something go wrong? Was Sam not his soulmate? What if he was like his mum and he didn't even have a soulmate? And where the hell was he? Questions swirled through his head and he shook it to clear his mind. No time for this, gotta find out who this person is.

His first impression of the room was just dark. The curtains hid most of the light and the black walls didn't help much either. There was a messy pile of notebooks on the floor and every surface was littered with glasses and vials. Jake decided not to question it. When he leaned a hand on the pillow he heard something rustle. He fished a piece of paper out from under it. It just had a quick 'sorry' scrawled on it, nothing else, but Jake recognized the handwriting from somewhere.

He moved on to the notebooks while continuing to think about the note. The first one that he picked up was just a history notebook, filled with nothing but notes from classes in a readable but messy handwriting. The notes seemed familiar, and Jake had a very string feeling that if he could compare them to his own history notes, they'd turn out to be rather similar.

The next notebook had been next to the pile instead of on it, and it seemed to have been crushed slightly, like someone had clutched it recently. He flipped it open to a random page but immediately knew who this person was when he saw one name repeated over and over again. Ellen. Everywhere. Ellen Ellen Ellen. Went to the movies with Ellen. Ellen was ill. Ellen got a nose piercing. Ellen told me i should get snakebites. Ellen this Ellen that.

This was Felix Ferne.

'Well shit.' Was the only thing Jake could think to himself as he kept flipping through the notebook. Felix Ferne of all people. Not only did Jake have what he assumed to a second soulmate, it was the nemesis of his first soulmate. He kept reading through the notebook as he watched the time on the clock. His eyes fell on one specific passage near the end. Went to the GP thanks to Sam. Wait. Shit.

Jake realized why the handwriting on the note seemed so familiar right as he passed out.

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