A Walk Through the Town|Reader x Kenji|

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Your (e/c) eyes, watching Kenji, had lit up. The stalls in the market were busy, yet no one stopped by your family's. 

"(Y/N), your shift is over!" Your father, walking towards you, yelled. 

"Father, you're finally back, business has been slow today." You responded, eyes wandering back to Kenji. His charming smile was all you focused on as he interacted with the others. You strolled over to a bench nearby the stalls. Fidgeting with your fingers, you saw that someone was moving towards you.  

Blue overalls and a black belt. You, immediately realizing who it was, had turned red.  

"(Y/N), I've been looking for you." Kenji, sitting down at the bench. You spoke, "K-K-Kenji... How may I assist?" Heart pounding, you patiently waited for a response. He looked into your (e/c) eyes, "Recently there has been a string of burglaries around the market. I was wondering if you have any information about it." "I thought the Armed Detective Agency leaves these cases to the police. I think I know a bit," you blurted, half lying. You knew almost nothing about this other than the glimpse of the thief. Kenji smiled, "A few of the ladies at the market had asked me to investigate through the police is looking at the case. How about we go chat over some tempura soba?" He got up from the dark wooden bench and held out his hand. You accepted, a smile forming on your embarrassed face. 

While walking through the busy city, he talked about his village and his unfamiliarity of the city. You guys neared the restaurant. After ordering, you began to speak. "To answer some questions about the burglaries, I need to know what you have so far." You said. He made eye contact with you and opened his mouth, "Y/N, I've received information on things like when these crimes happen and what tends to be stolen. I think some information about appearance would be helpful." The food you ordered had arrived. The aroma filled your nose as you began to eat. "I don't have much information but  I caught a glimpse of the thief once." You paused, taking bites of your meal. "If you have information on what was robbed, you should know it tended to be food. Three nights ago I was helping my parents close up the stalls. My parents began to leave and I wanted to grab something. I saw a young boy who had a bag. He had some dark blue eyes but that was all I saw." You continued eating. Kenji looked like he was taking this information in and decided to continue eating. After a few minutes, he began to talk. "The boy could have been living in poverty and resorted to stealing? This is useful information for the police." He finished his meal.

After paying, he offered to take you home as the sky was darkening. You took the initiative and began a conversation. You talked about your childhood and gave Kenji a tour of the city as you walked. The walk took longer than usual as you two continued talking on a bench. Eventually, you reached home. "Thank you, Kenji. It was nice talking to you today." you looked into his eyes, smiling. Kenji looked back and responded, "Y/N I agree. Would you like to meet up again?"

"Yes!" You yelled, a large grin on your face.


Hello! Its the author back from the grave. I spent a while fixing my word choice for this. 

I wanted to thank everyone who has read and voted on this. I never expected to reach this much views on here and I feel like I had achieved something. 

To the readers, I recommend reading the Dazai Recarination story soon as I am going to edit it and make changes.

Bye bye from the author!

Bungo Stray Dogs X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now