Chapter 2

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I sped walked in the silent hallways making my way towards my locker. I swung it open and grabbed my things before slamming it back shut and rushed to my social class. As I walked in with heavy breathes I could feel everyone's stare pierce threw me like I was a window. I got shivers down my spine as if someone poured freezing cold water down my back. I made it to my seat hoping, praying even; that everyone would stop looking at me. At last the teacher spoke up diverting everyone's attention back onto her. I sighed in relief and pulled my notebook out and began writing with the rest of the class. As we were taking notes on the prompt we were given; a bell that snapped everyone out of focus rang for us to start heading towards the next class. I walked down the hallway keeping my head low when I was suddenly shoved, forcing me to drop my books. I knelt on the floor and gathered my things as more people just gathered around and stared some even laughing a little. I began To feel tears coming in my eyes and panicked. I hurriedly grabbed all of my books and ran to the nearest bathroom. I heaved the stalls door open and locked it before sitting on the toilet with my feet up. I sat there. Thinking. Oh how I hated being ambushed by my very own deliberation. A long while later I decided to leave. As I once again walked threw the hallways I saw what looked like a new kid. He turned my way and I got a glimpse of his face, before everything went white...

°• Authors Note: I hope you all are enjoying this so far. I'll be updating this more then Surviving In The Steampunk World due to this one is more fun to write lol. I greatly appreciate that you took time to read my content and I hope you continue as for this will most definitely be quite an adventure! •°

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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