1 - Good Company

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Freddie's POV

It was still mostly dark outside as we drove to Brian's flat. I laid my head against the window, closing my eyes and thinking about the months ahead.

The car came to a stop and I opened my eyes. As I saw the many steps leading up to Brian's flat, I turned to the man in the driver's seat - Paul Prenter, the band's manager. "Darling, could you go let Brian know we're here?"

He nodded, already opening the car door, "Of course, Freddie."

I watched as he climbed the steps and entered the building, then turned my body towards the backseat, where one half of Queen was fast asleep.

Roger Taylor, our very own drummer, slept with his head resting gently against the window. When I looked at him with his big blue eyes and shaggy blond hair, I sometimes believed he was too pretty to be male. I've known Roger longer than anyone else in the band, which makes sense considering we have been friends since college. We had even worked together at Kensington Market for a few months while sharing an apartment when the band was short on money.

John Deacon, our bassist, slept across the two seats behind Roger. He was the youngest of the group, with brown eyes and shoulder-length brown hair. When Queen was first formed, we auditioned dozens of bass players, none of whom quite fit in with the group. We had been starting to lose hope until we found John, who fit in perfectly. An amazing bass player and great song writer, he was undeniably the most underrated member of the group. He had a quiet disposition, especially for a member of a rock and roll band, but this only helped confirm his position as the band's secret weapon.

I smiled to myself. They both looked so peaceful sleeping - even Roger, who had been complaining just minutes ago about being woken up so early. Deaky, as we sometimes called John, looked cold wearing only a shirt with no sweater or jacket. Without a second thought, I crawled into the backseat, took off my jacket and laid it across the bass player.

I returned to my spot in the passenger seat as Brian and Paul reached the car. Brian May, our guitarist, was the tallest of the group, with brown eyes and the shoulder-length curly dark hair that had become his signature look. Like Roger, I have known Brian since college, but we weren't close friends until I joined their band 'Smile', which I later renamed 'Queen'. Since then we've become incredibly close, especially since we've written dozens of songs together.

Brian sat beside Roger, careful not to wake him as he adjusted the position of his legs to get more comfortable. I nearly laughed because he looked like a sleep-deprived parent trying not to wake his child. "Good morning, dear!" I said in a hushed voice.

"Morning, Freddie," Brian replied with a tired smile. As Paul started the car and pulled away from the curb, Brian looked confused, "Where's Deaky?"

"He's laying down behind you, sleeping like a baby," I replied with a smile. Brian glanced backseat and laughed softly.

Brian's POV

I was glad to see Freddie in such a good mood. He and his girlfriend, Mary Austen, seemed to be going through a bit of a rough patch in their relationship, so I felt relieved to see Freddie laughing and smiling.

Freddie Mercury was our lead singer, a talented pianist, and one of my best friends. He was about the same height as Roger, had brown eyes and shoulder-length dark hair with messy bangs. While he was known for his flamboyant and carefree stage personality, I knew the side of him that cared deeply for the people in his life, always putting the needs of his friends and family above his own. Everything about him was unique, and I always knew that no matter what happened to Queen, Freddie Mercury would become a legend.

Freddie always loved to have a good time, and as one of his closest friends, he was always trying to push me out of my comfort zone. When I had been apprehensive about going on holiday to record our fourth album, Freddie had been the one to reassure me that, at the very least, we would have a good time.

As for the rest of the band, they had varied opinions about our upcoming trip. John had sided with Freddie early on about the decision to record at a different location because he believed that the change of scenery would help our creative process. I also got the feeling that Deaky was looking for an excuse to go on holiday, as that was something he loved to do.

Roger, on the other hand, had been the hardest to persuade. He loved big parties, fast cars, and pretty women - three things that would be harder for him to find in the countryside. He seemed thoroughly convinced that taking a break from these "interests" would cause him to die of boredom. I'm not quite sure how Freddie convinced him to agree to record at the farm, but I'm glad that he did, and I'm even more glad that I didn't have to argue with him myself.

As we drove out of London, I turned towards the window and closed my eyes. I felt safe surrounded by my bandmates, the people I cared most about. I rested my head against the window and let myself fall asleep.

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