Chapter 4

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       After running into that guy i had ran off trying to find the school and, had ended up more lost than when i left the house. I ran around the block for awhile desperately trying to find the school .

After about fifteen minutes I managed to find the school it was huge and had more stories than I cared to count. I quickly ran through the gates and found the front office. The secretary calmly looked up at me, "Yes?" she asked politely. "New...Here...Need...Schedule..."I panted. "Name please, "she said while typing on her computer . "Of course dearie  what's your name?" she asked calmly, making me assume I probably wasn't the first student she's had run in like this I just wasn't sure whether I should be comforted by that or not. I managed to tell her who I was which after a kind smile she printed out my schedule and handed it to me. "Later today your student guide will find you and give you a tour of the campus,' she said with a sweet smile.

    I mumbled a quick thanks to the secretary before I ran out quickly and followed the numbers in the winding corridors to find the right classroom.

    Eventually I found my first class after what felt like an eternity and lady luck must be on my side today since my name was called just as I ran in. "Here!" I shouted barely managing it through my lungs desperate attempts to force oxygen back into my body.

   "Ashely next time you're late please don't bother coming at all it would do everyone a world of good," the teacher snidely commented. I was quiet for a second debating whether or not to say anything but the my compulsive desire not to be pushed around won quickly in the argument. "Oh really?  I'd be doing them a favor? Well maybe if your fatass didn't waddle it's way thorough the door we'd actually have something to look forward to!" I snapped back. I heard a burst of laughter from the back of the room breaking thorough the stunned silence. everyone turned to face him. 

Him... I recognized him I just couldn't place where exactly... "What?" he said confusedly when he noticed our stares." Oh whatever," he said and laid his head on his desk his midnight hair curling around the exposed parts of his face. Then it hit me, it was HIM the idiot that was standing in the middle of the sidewalk  like some douchebag. But that was impossible douches don't go to school here do they?

   My thought process was interrupted by God screaming in a crackly tone for; "Eden Kingston and Ashely Wolf to come to the front office," oh wait no that's just the intercom.

   I sighed and began the slow walk back to the office ,how on earth did they find out about it that fast?! I just finished yelling at her... I heard footsteps next to me but I didn't want to talk so I just sped up a bit so I was ahead of whomever it was. "Hey!" damn now I have to stop. I stopped walking so they could catch up the couple of steps in between us. "What?" I asked tiredly. "Nice job back there someone needed to say something, although I can't say I'm surprised it was you Ashely," he said with a small laugh. "What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped and stared deep into those weird purple and gold eyes. He simply shrugged and said," I'm just saying but after tackling me this morning I've noticed your kind of.... rash." "Whatever weirdo you shouldn't have been standing in the sidewalk," I turned and speed walked away. "I WAS WAITING FOR SO-" the sound of his voice was cut off by me turning a corner what a freak...

   I eventually made it to the office and low and behold freak boy was there already ,in fact he was chatting with the secretary who was laughing a lot more often than I thought necessary especially since he didn't seem to be making any jokes. I suppose he's probably just the other person they called here. What was the name again? Eden? I think so if not whatever he's an ass anyway.

  I quickly walked to the secretary's desk and politely asked her what I was called for. "Huh? oh yeah um well Eden is your student guide," she said without peeling her eyes off of him but he didn't seem to notice at all. "Guess we're stuck together huh" he said with a stupid smile that made me want to knock his lights out but I just smiled back and said," I suppose we are."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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