Chapter 3 : Self love

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First,start to open your eyes,your mind and more importantly your heart and recognize that the media portrayal of beauty is bullshit.Its always been as such.In ancient Egypt the ideal woman was described as slender,high waist and symmetrical face.In ancient Greece it was full bodied,light skin and plump.In Italian Renaissace it was ample bosom,rounded stomach and full hips.The definition of beauty changes with time.we do not change it.They do.This perfection you want to achieve or what they makes you think would be the best for you won't last forever because this is what happens naturally with age.AND ITS OKAY.You are being played ,being controlled by them.Those companies,that's exactly how they want you to feel for you to buy their products.Anxiety,depression,self hate and feeling not enough just to feed them money.You don't need a bunch of followers on social media to know you are enough.Don't let your definition of beauty be define by those magazines and billboards,those tv shows and influencers. Being beautiful isn't  about a flat belly or skin colour.It is about the acceptance of yourself and everything the way it is,for your qualities.So, exactly how do find beauty in yourself and everyone,when society hard wires us to think that only certain characteristics are the definition of beauty.It's all about defying what they taught us.It's about practicing awareness,gratefulness and non-judgement. Be real,be yourself,be unique,be grateful and be happy.Don't let other people decide and influence who you are. You are beautiful.You are worthy.You are enough.And if they call you fat,tell them 'no, you are not' because your just too narrow for their mind.At the end everything has beauty,but not everyone sees it.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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