The story

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                           Today time
I'm abused help... never seen robots tv or anything. Just some person who's is just forgotten. Once I tried to watch tv while alone was watching it but the this happened. That's the only reason why I'm locked up and have blood and bruises on me.
                          One day ago....
Alone traveler was watching tv down stairs. I looked at the tv it was at a show something with fake cartoony people. It was weird I didn't notice but alone was out of his chair. I was scared didn't notice that he was gone. I tried to run but alone already found me and was already in my room. I screamed noticing that he was in my room. I tried to run but he was quicker then me so I had not chance. He hit me with the bat so hard I fell down with a Thump and I was bleeding. The only thing I can hear him say was " WHAT WHERE YOU DOING NO TV!"
                         Present day...
I have bruises and blood all over and I'm in some kind of cage. I don't know why but I feel dizzy ness. But it just a pain. But sometimes I see dreams about the future and robots.

                         Future time
" Master what can I do for you" I said to alone. "Get me a drink or something" I left to get him something I didn't feel emotion I feel like a robot. I can't move I can only go where my master go. I got the drink and gave it to him. He got the drink and slapped me and that meant to go back to my room and charge. I limped that wasn't in my program I was turning human. But I ran before he noticed I don't know why but i feel real.

                         Present time
Idk why this happens to me but I just know it's crazy.I sighed. " WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO!" Alone screamed at me. I tried to run but he got me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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